I think that's hugely dependent on the country. For languages with relatively few speakers translating (technical) texts into English is relatively more expensive, so people have to read more English to read e.g. books on programming. That makes them more proficient in reading English, thus decreasing the market for more expensive translations, leading to fewer translations, etc.
Learning programming from English texts will affect choice of variable names, function names, etc.
Dijkstra is a counterexample (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaphore_(programming)#Functio...), but that was in 1965, when there weren't hours of subtitled English-language television each day, or thousands of programming texts that were only available in English.
Learning programming from English texts will affect choice of variable names, function names, etc.
Dijkstra is a counterexample (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaphore_(programming)#Functio...), but that was in 1965, when there weren't hours of subtitled English-language television each day, or thousands of programming texts that were only available in English.