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Reg: But you can't have babies.

Stan: Don't you oppress me.

Reg: Where's the fetus going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?

Francis: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

Reg: It's symbolic of his struggle against reality.


The sad thing is most people don't understand how frighteningly representative this is of much of today's social activism.

The weird thing is that I haven't seen all that many examples of reality-rejecting social activism, despite your claim that there is "much" of it. Are you sure you haven't just failed to understand what the people are actually saying?

It's not sad because "frighteningly representative" is purely subjective. I don't even know where to start disagreeing with you because you've failed to say anything about how.

If you believe in the right of self-determination, what's the fucking difference how someone self-identifies?

What do babies have to do with any of this? Women who are infertile are still women.

Nothing at all, but how else can you be an asshole to trans people?

Oh right, by claiming they're not really male or female for reasons x, y, and z.

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