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JP Morgan: Bitcoin is “vastly inferior” to traditional, fiat currency (arstechnica.com)
10 points by ghosh on Feb 13, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America owns the federal reserve which is a private owned central bank. They most likely also somehow influence the FED chairman selection. The FED sets the price of new money the interest rate. The interest rate in the banks favor is now close to zero. Low interest rate creates more new debt. Low interest rate eventually will create inflation as new money are put in the system, new money benefit those who get it first the banks and the one who are most at disadvantage is fixed income earners such as retired people.

If you want to know more about how JP Morgan and senator Aldrich who's daughter was married to a banker created the FED you can read more about it here. http://www.bigeye.com/griffin.htm

Bitcoin may be a bubble, but crypto currencies are here to stay, banks fear alternative currencies because they can no longer control the prize of new money which is the source of the banks wealth. Current banks create money out of thin air by new debt creation.

If anything Bitcoin is inferior because no one can create additional bitcoins to lend them to the banks when they get themselves in trouble.

This has suddenly sparked my interest in it.

jpmorgan has an aggressive stance against bitcoin for a while now. I wonder what is behind their continuous negative statements about bitcoin, if you don't like it just don't use it, it's not like we are pushing bitcoins down their throats or stg :)

The document ref'd in the OP is not a press release, or an arsey comment on HN, but an investor's note. JPM are telling their clients not to invest in bitcoin, because they do not rate it as an investment.

That is what is 'behind' the negative statements. They are not engaging in personal vendettas, but trying to make money, and have decided that - even compared to the absurd pre-08 financial instruments - a deflationary pseudo-currency based on fantasy randroid economics is not a great idea from the old 'get money' angle.

How incomprehensibly mean spirited of them!

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