Well next I see a progressive, I'll let them know that some anonymous internet guy is keeping a list. I'm sure they'll be impressed.
In the meantime, you might think upon respect a little. It turns out it's not just a far-left thing. If a liberal walks into the middle of a conservative talk and starts shouting slogans, people in the audience aren't just going to say, "Hey, tell us more, stranger, about your novel views." They're going to shout him down and throw him out, because his behavior is disrespectful to the existing audience and dialog.
The difference between you and that liberal is that the liberal will know that he's protesting, not trying to participate in a discussion.
I understand you want it to be magically different for you online. Which, hey, it's nice to have unrealistic dreams sometimes: it adds some spice to life. But if you actually want to start influencing other people's views, rather than just have the satisfaction of vomiting your notions and upsetting people you didn't really like anyhow, then you're going to have to work on on demonstrating respect for the people and the existing discussion, something they were building before you turned up.