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Bill Gates: AMA on Reddit (reddit.com)
434 points by justplay on Feb 10, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 111 comments

For those that aren't aware, check out the "/r/tabled" subreddit [1].

From the official description: "a subreddit for tables of recent threads from places such as... /r/IAmA, /r/InternetAMA, /r/AMA, /r/AskReddit, /r/AskScience"

It makes things nice to read.

Of course, Bill Gates' new AMA will not be "tabled" yet, but as an example (and in case you missed it), here is his AMA from February 2013 [2].

[1] http://www.reddit.com/r/tabled

[2] http://www.reddit.com/r/tabled/comments/18d2n6

Check out http://topiama.com (It was posted here some time ago, I have no connection with that site), I find it has a very nice interface.

Like r/tabled, his new iAmA it's not here, but to give the same example, here's his old one: http://www.topiama.com/r/911/im-bill-gates-cochair-of-the-bi...

I appreciate the link! I created topiama and posted it on hackernews almost 2 years ago.

As a fellow user of topiama... I am a bit annoyed at how it looks on mobile. What I plan to do is use bootstrap to make a nice responsive layout for all devices. Stay tuned. Probably Spring/Summer.

Thanks for the reminder about topiama. I knew something like this existed, but forgot where. I was thinking recently about writing my own as a quick pet project. Still might, just for fun.

It's actually a bit surprising to me that reddit themselves have not written an IAMA question-answer view. Celebrity AMAs have become a pretty big draw for reddit, but browsing them from the default view sucks. Perhaps they view it like they do the mobile clients (the community does them better), but it would be nice to have something native to reddit for this behaviour.

It makes a pretty good RSS feed, even if I do skip the majority of them.

I made a small rails app which presents reddit AMAs nicely


Here's the source https://github.com/jhawthorn/riama

In the meantime, the best way to keep up is to go to his profile page and refresh every now and then.

Eventually went ahead and wrote a small chrome extension which injects some css and javascript into IAMA threads to make it easy to switch between the full thread and a simplified Q&A thread. See https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cleanama-for-reddi... if you think you need something of the sort.

Is this his library in the background?


edit: Apparently so, and here's his reading recommendations from 2013 (w/ same library in background):


and more:

http://www.thegatesnotes.com/Books <- lots of reviews here

These are the books I found there:

* The Blue Death, http://www.amazon.com/The-Blue-Death-Disease-Disaster/dp/B00...

* Principles of Neural Science (a canonical textbook)

* Immunobiology

* Genome

* Linus Pauling's General Chemistry

* Richard Dawkins' Ancestor's Tale

* Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science

* Brian Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos

_Ancestor's Tale_ is a wonderful book. I highly recommend it.

Am I the only one who noticed the Weather for dummies? I wonder why he was interested on it.

His primary interests now are fighting poverty and hunger. Having a basic understanding of weather sounds like something nice to have in that situation, and if he spent the time in high school and college thinking about computers and businesses, a "for dummies" book might not be the worst place to start.

Interestingly, the first "for dummies" book was actually "DOS For Dummies" published in 1991, followed by "Windows For Dummies". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_Dummies#History

Brushing up on his cloud computing.

He lives in Seattle so he has plenty of weather to be interested in. :-)

There are only two kinds of weather in Seattle: you get rain for 6 months and sun for 6 months. Its quite simple actually.

Don't forget the week of snow in December and the two weeks in late February!

Seattle gets a week of snow about once every four years, or at least it did when I lived there 10 years ago.

It literally just snowed last night and caught everyone totally off guard (melted now).

We've been getting at least a few days per year since then

Weather control, obviously.

The chemtrail nuts? Come on.

Wow. Just the other day I was looking at the clouds and wondering how it all works up there and not some three-hundred word blogpost; seriously, why are there different clouds? The sky is such a big part of my everyday life, yet I know nothing about it. I searched around but couldn't find any good books on clouds.

This seems like a good start though. Mad respect for Bill.

a lot of science books (chemistry, weather, etc), but no MSPress book and no computer literature?

For ending poverty on a global scale, wouldn't weather and chemistry seem like a decent place to start? Consider immunobiology and agriculture.

Also: I know it's a cheap shot, but I had a good laugh when I saw a book called "The Blue Death" on his shelf.

I assume it's only a tiny slice of his library. Inferring from the fact he's the world's richest geek, and that he's spent $30 million on a set of da Vinci papers,


I like Bill Gates. He seems like a kind, genuine guy who cares about people and doesn't mind making fun of himself.

Big contrast from Bezos, Jobs, Ballmer.

He kinda reminds me of Woz in that way. Except Woz was never seen as evil, and Bill had an evil image for a while there in the 90s and early 2000s.

In his AMA he contrasts his younger self from other young billionaires and millionaires by stating that they are often much more interested in "giving back" than he was until he was much older. He was a ruthless man who cared only for himself in his younger days and that led to some rather unethical business practices. It wasn't until much later that he chilled out and learned some compassion for the rest of the world.

That's overly generous. Gates didn't just have an evil image for a while, he was evil for a while. It happens to the best of us.

You can tell it's him by the succinct and direct responses. It's a trait that's consistent across the most successful people I know.

One reason is that people have a vested interest in taking your words out of context and do a big non-story on your remarks.

That's true, but the responses seem to be specific and tangible, rather than vague, which is what I might expect from someone worried about being taken out of context.

If I were anywhere near being the richest guy on the planet I would have a hard time caring whether or not I was taken out of context. In fact, I'd probably just say all sorts of awful stuff that people would find shocking. That's probably one of the many reasons I'm not one of the richest guys on the planet.

In my opinion it's the other way around. Because they're successful, they're busy, they're proven with the tongue, they have to be succinct and direct.

I'd rather think it's a personality trait. Even someone who's not busy, or successful, can come across as direct and succinct.


What a strange format. I'm not a regular Reddit visitor so maybe I just don't "get it" but it seems like the top level questions for Gates are pretty intelligent, all questions I'd like to ask him (well, almost all--I don't get the condom one), and the responses to those questions are mostly snide, petty, and stupid.

I'm a frequent Redditor, and while I find the IAMA subreddits one of the most interesting ones, I'm pretty disappointed by how softball questions they were.

Reddit is a great opportunity to be more direct and poignant (always in an educated and intelligent manner).

For the people that don't know, the general "consensus" on reddit is that Bill Gates is awesome and Steve Jobs sucked, of course it's oversimplified but you see it around.

I for one would have liked to know if now with hindsight, he sees Microsoft's actions in the past over aggressive maybe hindering the progress of open source and stuff like that.

I don't want to accuse him of anything, I just would like to know his perspective on some of the controversial topics in which he is involved.

I can read in 150 thousand traditional interviews where does he see the future of technology and how exited he is about the cloud.

Your questions are awful questions. It is much more important to focus on what he is doing now, which is bigger than what he has done in the past. He is actually helping millions of people around the world now, and you want to focus on what he did in business 20-30 years ago.

Of course he was over aggressive in his running of Microsoft in the past. Does it matter if he says so? Or does it matter what he does today with his billions?

Through Microsoft Gates was helping tens of millions of people (including myself).

His charity efforts are small in comparison.

What's the point ? He would give diplomatic answers about events 20 years ago. What would that accomplish ?

His energy right now is behind a really great thing and a great inspiration for all of us - to apply ourselves and our geek brains to doing something useful in the world, not just optimizing hip city limo rentals for inflated multiples.

So I think these so called soft ball questions are great. They set him up to hit the ball out of the park. Go Bill ! Hit that thing ! Let even the shallow and dull minded hear the message and see that this is what great people do when they have the opportunity.

Public opinion is fickle and there is far too much snark and strife. He is going in the right direction so God speed.

But I'm not going to start using SQL-server or anything.

"Microsoft's actions in the past over aggressive maybe hindering the progress of open source and stuff like that"

Take your pick from:

1) Why do you think Bill Gates cares about open source given that he made his fortune from closed source software?

2) Sure it hindered the progress of open source, that was the whole point, open source was a potentially significant competitor to the corporation Bill Gates was running and he'd have been negligent in his role as CEO if he'd not looked to undermine and damage it at any opportunity.

You may not like those positions or agree with them but it would be somewhat odd to think that they weren't relatively close to what Bill Gates was thinking at the time and still thinks.

Neither of those would be what he'd say of course, he'd almost certainly point out that MS do embrace FOSS far more these days and also that while Windows may have been closed, by becoming a defacto standard for desktop computing it did an enormous amount for standardisation (in a practical, that is what people are actually using, rather than an open standards sense) and spreading computing to the masses.

Ultimately it might be an interesting subject, but it's not one you can expect to get an honest answer on. Even if he weren't involved in MS day to day and a major shareholder still, he's very unlikely to perform an about turn that says "I was basically wrong about my entire career".

yep. not asking softball question wont gather you the karma. hence why i laugh hard every time people suggest those (this?) sites are even a slight replacement for editorialized news sources.

>I'm pretty disappointed by how softball questions they were

This is not the way to look at it.

The answered questions were just that: answered. More hardball questions were ignored by the VIP. The VIP chooses which questions to ask. In short reddit IAMAs are basically free marketing exercises masquerading behind some kind of idea of "we did it, reddit" - that the audience has some kind of power. It doesn't, it's basically a false idea.

True. It is almost a public gimmick now. :(

The condom one is because the Gates Foundation held a competition [1] to redesign the condom to make condom use more prevalent in Africa (hopefully to help prevent the spread of HIV)

[1] - http://www.grandchallenges.org/Explorations/Topics/Pages/Nex...

>> "snide, petty, and stupid"

That's like the elevator pitch for Reddit comments. It really just depends on what you find humorous I guess.

A few minutes ago, the top voted questions were about whether he uses Internet Explorer, Bing, etc. It is a bit disappointing to see such inane questions getting upvoted to visibility. All I can think of about that commenter is: You have one question to ask one of the greatest businessmen and philanthropists of our time, and all you can think of is some re-hashed 10 year old joke? I think in general, r/all is pretty stupid. However, many other subject-specific sub-reddits are awesome!

I find it depends on the subreddit. It's like HN, if there's a consistent effort at civility and on-topic discussion in a particular community, then it can be ok. All of the default subreddits are a disaster for discussion, some of the smaller niche ones are ok.

It's a consequence of the way comments on reddit are structured. The best top-level comment is displayed first, followed immediately by its (lower-quality) child comments, rather than the next-best top-level comment. One learns to simply read the top-level comment, read the response, then minimize it and move on.

Reddit is a large community, and the average post quality reflects that.

On such an important AMA, a mod should be able to cut off some of the child comments (just hide them under the [-] button), especially on the top answer. It would be like a haircut on a tree of comments, but it would look better than ruffled.

Not gonna lie - seeing an interaction between David Hewlett and Bill Gates on a reddit AMA pretty much made my day.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynQ5ZhxYAss <-- in this video (linked by Gates in AMA), there's a moment in which there's a book shown, with "Dell #1 in laptops" written on the back cover. Had a good laugh, given the whole Dell speakers thing from yesterday.

This was hilarious.

There were years I was worried but he turned out to be great for humanity.

anonymouslives: "What is your best personal financial advice for people who make under $100,000 per year?", thisisbillgates: "Invest in your education.". Trying to digest this bit when dropping-off to do startups is in fashion.

Note that he didn't say "go to school". If you don't know much about startups, dropping out to do one (as Gates did) might be considered an investment in your education. So might reading widely, or taking online courses, or of course paying a lot of money to attend a 4-year university.

  Note that he didn't say "go to school".
Quoted for Emphasis.

Quote from Reddit: "I feel like he is probably one of the least qualified people to answer this question. When was the last time Bill Gates made less than $100,000 per year?"

Bill Gate's Response: "I never went for a big salary but your basic point is correct."

Indeed, this probably isn't the best question to ask Bill Gates.

Did he really just say that deep learning started at Microsoft?

I saw that and maybe its stretching it a little bit, but I know Patrice Simard was involved in this sort of research relatively early (he started at Microsoft in 99, and worked at Bell Labs before.) I would not be surprised if there were some other people there that were doing this sort of research even earlier.

There is actually some very high quality ground breaking research that comes out of Microsoft, they just have had problems making it into products traditionally.

Hinton is where it really starts of course, but a lot of our researchers were involved in making it practical (e.g. train quickly on GPUs).

TIL Hinton's great great grandfather is George Boole (inventor of Boolean logic).

I am curious what Bill Gates (or anyone who doesn't necessarily have an immediate profit making venture to promote i.e an actor) hopes to achieve with an AMA?

I can't imagine they are very much fun after the first dozen questions. Promoting philanthropy to a wider audience? Bringing the spotlight on a specific cause?

Its awesome that someone as busy and important as Bill Gates is willing to take the time to do this whatever his reasons, I'm just wondering the reason why?

I always enjoyed doing it to share my thoughts with the community, since they seemed interested. It's kinda like, why do you talk to people at parties when you have no immediate profit making venture to push? Because it's fun.

It's also a great way to stay connected with your base, even for someone like Bill, who is still trying to accomplish things that are easier with broad support.

His foundation makes a big "profit" by getting rid of these [1] myths. By "profit" I mean lives saved and/or enhanced. What better way of getting rid of myths than publicity?

[1] http://annualletter.gatesfoundation.org/

Did you hope to achieve much personal gain from making this post here on HN?

If Reddit existed in the early 20th century, Andrew Carnegie would have done an AMA.

Gates has, among some geeks, a really nasty reputation. It's, in fact, so bad I am not sure we can even trust the philanthropist. For me, it's just too easy to imagine him as being a supervillain. ;-)

Everyone has a dark side. His darkest side got fed and exposed while at Microsoft and he has been paying for it ever since.

On the other hand, don't you feel like it's basically advertising if they do have something to promote?

On the other hand, he also does his own dishes

Seriously? That seems incredibly wasteful, not to mention boring. No way I'd be doing that if I had a fraction of his wealth.

I can understand not wanting dishes lying around all the time and also not wanting staff around all the time.

I sort of see his job (what he chooses to make it anyway) as helping other people do good works by expanding their resources. I'm not sure that benefits from a 110% time commitment.

I'm a CEO who does his family's dishes as night. It keeps you grounded. It's a good message for your kids that in spite of their wealth they should clean up after themselves. It makes a connection to the millions of hard working people out there. Finally, if your wife cooks dinner (as mine does), it shows appreciation for her work and effort. I use a dishwasher (as does BillG most likely) but there is still plenty of work like pots & pans.

I'm glad to see him doing another AMA. His AMA last year was one of the better ones I've read.

There are always thousands of questions by the time you get there. Do his assistants check everyone of them and summarize?

I've done an AMA that was pretty popular, it's not that hard to keep up actually.

You start with the top voted comment, reply, go to the next, etc. Then you reload the page and do it again.

It helps if you have gold because then you can highlight the stuff that is new since you last loaded the page, which helps you find the questions faster.

The trick for the user is to have a good enough question to get it voted to the top.

alternative to having gold is this chrome addon


On the other hand it's not called 'I will answer anything' unfortunately. People are generally nice so a lot of 'comfortable' questions get a lot of votes rather than questions that could be seen as provocative.

Always wondered how that worked for the person answering

The part that resonated with how I feel everyone should live this tiny universe.

    Just creating an innovative company is a huge contribution to the world.
World would be a much better place if we just go about minding our own business making our own lives easier and not interfering in other people's business.

Timely, given all the bad Microsoft press yesterday stemming from Paul Thurrott's public disapproval of Windows.

Judging by the official photo of the alien suit in Gates' office, I don't think this was planned on a whim.

I hadn't read that, thanks for pointing it up. Was it discussed here on HN?

Found the original link:


I don't think Bill timed it on purpose :) and it won't change most people's perception of the latest Windows (I hate it too, and respect Bill Gates a lot).

Within an hour, he reached all time top 5 IAmA. His previous one is at no. 2, after Obama.

Not having a Reddit account, this makes me want to create one and ask Gates if he's going to protect us from the power of the cloud. By "us" I mean "people who don't really trust the cloud".

It takes like 2 seconds to make one. You don't even have to give them an email address! :)

But I would lose my status of a social outcast if I used service as popular as Reddit :)

But no one would ever know, unless you told them or gave yourself away in your comment.

Make sure to use jedberg's referral code when you sign up!

The foundation is primarily working on health issues among the poor.

If he answers your question, it would probably be "no."

I have one I use five times per year. Today, I cannot login.

Im not sure why Bill Gates decided to do this a 2nd time. Just reading people's inane, nonsensical, idiotic comments makes me think there's got to be a better forum to host something like that...

Another one? Wow.. he must like reddit a lot.

Looking at his history, it seems he does.

Did you see the girl who got her gift from Bill?


Does anyone know if someone has asked him about the infamous 640K quote?

Wait, he did one less than a year ago. What an attention whore!

He added an link to a Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZnmpDrjtDc

Interesting art style and that his assistants choose an old-school method to animate the movie. That gives the "information at your fingertip" a new meaning ;)

His thank you video is hilarious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynQ5ZhxYAss :)

Love the MGS alert sound at the beginning.

They are always AMAIWAAIC anyway. (Ask me anything, I will answer as I choose). If there were pre-voted by community questions, and rules requiring answers by the AMAer, now that would be interesting.

Well, it IS called AMA (Ask Me Anything) and not IAA (I'll Answer Anything).... You can ask all you want, you just might not get an answer!

I would like to ask him: What can you do to help the poor especially those that are in the 3rd world countries?

Running a huge charity foundation seems to be a good start.

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