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I LOVE the video, the music and visuals are really awesome. As others have said, I'm not entirely sure what the gameplay is, but I am curious. So I guess that's good!

The gameplay looks a bit like Osmos (http://www.osmos-game.com/) in lo-fi. I'm not sure if that's accurate, but that's the impression I got.

In fact, the Osmos website is probably a good example to follow on how to explain your game a little better when it might not be clear from the video.

> I'm not sure if that's accurate, but that's the impression I got.

They have one mechanic in common (merger), but more or less everything else is different:

* The goal of Eliss stages is to fill traps with planets of the right size and color

* Eliss uses direct input (you drag the planets directly), although in both cases planets have inertia. Eliss does not have a gravitational (or repulsive) model, movement is either directly input or linear inertial

* Eliss allows splitting planets into half-planets

* Eliss's field is not static, planets and traps regularly appear.

* In Eliss, sizes are not relevant to absorption, only color is. Differently colored planets interfere, both lose mass and the player loses health

* Eliss is faster-paced

* Eliss is very specifically built for and around multitouch, initially you can get by with a finger or 2, but as difficulty ramps up you'll have to start using more fingers simultaneously in order to keep your planets under control and out of one another's way

* I think Eliss is a better fit for very small devices (Osmos always feels cramped on a smartphone screen, Eliss did not). OTOH, Eliss simply wouldn't work on a PC (the input does not work). I'm not sure how it works on a tablet either. That's one's a personal qualitative judgement rather than an objective description though.

Not relevant to gameplay, but Eliss also predates Osmos by several months (March 2009 v August 2009)

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