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I was actually about to look at putting this up until I saw the license, GPL-family licenses (aside from the LGPL) are viral and affect the project as a whole, the AGPL on this would then require the source for my entire site would need to be licensed under the AGPL.

Please look at moving to a less cra^H^H^H restrictive license like BSD, MIT, Apache, etc.

The GPL is not viral. It doesn't spread on its own like a virus. Please stop perpetuating this.

I fully agree. Comments with derogatory terms should be downvoted always and with few exceptions. Do HN viewers really want to have "BSD is immoral/evil" and "GPL is viral" kind of comments everywhere? If not, please use the downvote button.

I had the same reaction. I believe using AGPL code within a website requires that the entire website be open sourced as AGPL. For nearly any company or non-AGPL project this is a huge barrier to using your project. Maybe someone with more legal knowledge can weigh in on if my understanding is accurate.

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