You will be teaching primarily college and high school students how to build their first product: an iPhone game! Our curriculum covers Objective-C and Cocos2d, but also product design, prototyping, user testing, analytics, and more. The MakeGamesWithUs Summer Academy is where students go from having tinkered with CS to falling in love with it and your job will be to teach and mentor them throughout. What we’re looking for:
- Passion for teaching and teaching experience
- Strong CS background and industry experience building real products
- Existing knowledge or ability to learn (prior to summer) technologies used (Objective-C, Cocos2d, Git, SpriteBuilder)
- We’re hiring 2-3 instructors per location and would like at least one female instructor
You will need to come to California (we will pay your travel expenses) for at least 2 weeks of training in late May/early June and then you will be in your location for a week of setup + the 9 weeks the program runs - mid June to mid August. This is a fixed term 12 week full time job.
If you’re interested, contact us -
Summer Academy Instructor
You will be teaching primarily college and high school students how to build their first product: an iPhone game! Our curriculum covers Objective-C and Cocos2d, but also product design, prototyping, user testing, analytics, and more. The MakeGamesWithUs Summer Academy is where students go from having tinkered with CS to falling in love with it and your job will be to teach and mentor them throughout. What we’re looking for:
- Passion for teaching and teaching experience
- Strong CS background and industry experience building real products
- Existing knowledge or ability to learn (prior to summer) technologies used (Objective-C, Cocos2d, Git, SpriteBuilder)
- We’re hiring 2-3 instructors per location and would like at least one female instructor
You will need to come to California (we will pay your travel expenses) for at least 2 weeks of training in late May/early June and then you will be in your location for a week of setup + the 9 weeks the program runs - mid June to mid August. This is a fixed term 12 week full time job.
If you’re interested, contact us -
More info about our Summer Academy -