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Parrot 1.4.0 "Mundo Cani" Released (parrot.org)
20 points by stefano on July 21, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I'm interested to hear about Rakudo releases too.

I'm sorta saving a future weekend where I can spend some time learning Perl 6 to try it on for size. Just waiting for the news that Rakudo supports most of what's in the Perl 6 Spec/Synopses/whatever ... just waiting to hear Rakudo does most of what it's supposed to do.

Using Python at the moment, but am keeping an open mind toward Perl 6. Perl 5 makes me work for things a bit too much for my taste (I want more modern features out of the box).

I was kind of hoping there wouldn't be release notes, heh.

Are there speed metrics on Parrot vs CPython, SpiderMonkey, V8, etc?

I think they've only started looking at optimization and it may not be number 1 priority yet?


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