Just interested in what compliance you are referring to? We are looking at options for storing medical data in the cloud and I understand that Amazon can be used so as to conform with HIPPA [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Insurance_Portability_an...].
Yes, it can be used, but it needs some work up front. Like all compliance schemes it is not entirely devoid of effort. There used to be a whitepaper outlining the basics somewhere in the AWS site, IIRC.
There's also a number of companies providing HIPPA-compliant cloud services at various tiers and some of the offerings are backed by AWS. So it's possible and it's been done already.
Yes I appreciate that a service like AWS can't give you HIPPA of 21CFR Part11 compliance, only supply tools that can be used that way. What I'm looking for are examples (e.g. white papers) that describe how people have done it, preferably having been audited too.