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I did this for a long time. But the problems start right away when you want to add some navigation between pages. And then you want to have a chronological display of posts, or a master index, or tags. Then you want some consistent style, headers, menus. Then you figure you'd like comments. And search. And analytics. Then you realize you're half way to writing your own half assed blog engine and go check out Wordpress.

Nah, navigation? hyperlinks.

Master index? What for?

Chronological display of posts? Tags? You have so much content you need so much stuff to organize it?

Don't need menus, headers, consistent style. Use plain html.

Comments? God no. You'll have spam, you'll have to manage it. What you want is a contact page with your email address and your phone number. Everyone knows how to use those.

Search? This means you have too much stuff. Trim, keep the good stuff only.

Analytics? Server logs.

Then it's time to try Jekyll, Octopress, nanoc, Pelican, Hakyll, etc.

That's true. I never cared about any of that stuff.

Any half assed blog engine would be better than wordpress.

How fancy does you blog need to be? WP tosses most of the spam, lets you moderate the rest of these comments, makes it minimally painful to post text and images, and works without JavaScript. What more do you need?

In what way in particular?

Wordpress reminds me of Ron Swanson saying "Never half-ass two things, son. Whole-ass one thing."

But in general, Wordpress is rife with inconsistent UIs, plugins that cause each other problems, and attempting to be all things to all people. It's moved way, way past being just a blog engine.

Wordpress is just a shitty CMS, but it is still a decent blog publishing platform.

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