That's precisely how the JVM behave, which aggravates a lot of people when writing code using generics. In C# I can do the following:
public T getInstance<T>() {
return this.Instances[typeof(T)];
Or, even better:
public T createInstance<T>() {
return new T();
Meanwhile Java requires this:
public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> cls) {
return this.instances[cls];
The type information above (the generic parameter T) is stripped after compilation, so the Class parameter is needed on the method to get a solid reference to the type we need to work with at run-time. This gets worse when we want to do the second example.
public <T> T createInstance(Class<T> cls) {
return cls.newInstance();
It gets even more fun when you throw in non-default constructors. Non-reified generics are a giant pain in the butt.
There are cases when reified generics are a giant pain in the butt and non-reified ones are the right solution. See Scala or F# and .NET interoperability.