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How to invoice for design work - a quick guide (whatwasithinking.co.uk)
14 points by laktek on July 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Paypal as a payment service for a designshop?

That seems pretty absurd to me. A normal bank transfer is almost free and can be done by my grandmother to any account.

I have started accepting credit cards using Auth.net and a merchant account. There are a lot of cashflow benefits to receiving money immediately. And screw 30/60. I am not a bank. My invoices are due on receipt. I don't start the collections process until after 30 days, but I find the majority of companies pay earlier than that if they see due on receipt. If they want a longer payment schedule, it is going to cost them up to 15% on the project.

Even a tiny little web dev shop like mine (http://www.codeistry.com/) seems to have managed to acquire clients across the globe - much to my surprise. They all seem to know about paypal, but only larger ones are happy with international bank transfers. I have both IBAN and paypal details (along with normal domestic bank & contact details, etc..) on my invoices and it's been working out Ok. Paypal is expensive though, as pointed out in the article.

I'm curious as to what the alternative to BACS is in the US (and in other countries too, but the States particularly). Are there free and simple bank transfers there?

In Denmark you simply go to the bank, or log onto your netbank, and transfer money into another account. All you need is the account number. Couldn't be simpler. Isn't that standard practice in the US?

It is the same in the US. It is called an electronic transfer. You just need the account number and routing code for the bank.

Not standard practice at all.

This site doesn't seem to work on my iPhone.

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