Yes, both 'The Elements of Statistical Learning' and 'An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R' are available free in pdf.
For fans of hard copy, I recently found that if your local (university?) library is a SpringerLink customer, you can purchase a print-on-demand copy of either book for $26.99, which includes shipping. Interior pages are in black and white (including the graphs), but that is a really cheap price for these two.
Andrew Ng's course notes from his physical class at Stanford (CS 229 - Machine Learning) are extensive and available as well at:
For fans of hard copy, I recently found that if your local (university?) library is a SpringerLink customer, you can purchase a print-on-demand copy of either book for $26.99, which includes shipping. Interior pages are in black and white (including the graphs), but that is a really cheap price for these two.
Andrew Ng's course notes from his physical class at Stanford (CS 229 - Machine Learning) are extensive and available as well at: