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How to write a book? (cacoethes.co.uk)
23 points by systems on July 18, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Not all of this is applicable to non-fiction, however it's all interesting and good advice. This is obviously the authors own methods, which may not be applicable to everyone and every situation, however it would still be worth learning if only so you know when to ignore it.

#1 is the most important point. I've worked as a writer, and I'm currently working on several of my own projects, and I can say from experience that for certain projects 1,000 words can take much more time and effort than 20,000 words.

I'd say if you're looking to write from raw, find something that has a fast writing time (this will likely be something you have a passion for, but you'll often be surprised that it isn't exactly what you thought). Your first project isn't going to be your magnum opus, if it is is it really worth the effort?

I'd warn every person to not even attempt writing a book, it's really not a good idea. But if you're that particular brand of stupid that wants to isolate themselves, risk alcoholism (or various other addictions that prey on the terminally alone) and various other antisocial behaviours . . . however look at who I'm talking to, I'm sure most people here are that particular brand of stupid for wanting to be in start-ups and other lonely professions with late nights and no quitting time.

"#1 is the most important point. I've worked as a writer, and I'm currently working on several of my own projects, and I can say from experience that for certain projects 1,000 words can take much more time and effort than 20,000 words."

Random thoughts:

I've written for books and magazines, and indeed there's extra work in being concise. But there's also great value in that, too, when done right.

If you don't already know if you like writing, then you probably don't like writing, or else you would be doing it and liking it.

Not all chapters are equal. The trouble is in knowing if your sample chapter is a proper sample of the book as a whole. However, if you find it hard or tedious, stop right away.

It's probably best to write about something you already know and love, but beware the pitfalls in explaining what you've by now internalized to some newbie. There's a good chance you've forgotten how odd or quirky many things are, and you really don't want to discover this at the point you are trying to explain it.

Good examples are hard. Most tech books have questionable example code. On the one hand, they need to be reasonably brief; on the other, they should not be contrived. I tend to prefer walking the reader though a longer code base spread out over chapters, as it will more likely match real-life code.

Very few authors make money off books. There's a good chance that for the time spent you would do better to wait tables. Be clear on why you are doing this, and realistic on what to expect. It can be fun and rewarding.

It's hard to overstate the importance of a good outline. It serves not just to ensure proper organization and coherence, but to make it possible to complete the book.

If you have a solid, detailed outline you always have that to tall back on. You're much less likely to get writer's block because you already know where you're going and what the next step is.

The outline is key to motivation. You can put it together when you're excited about the project and everything is clicking, and then when progress gets tougher, there are no excuses--the outline tells you what to do.

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