I think that women are often put off by the nasty, aggressive vibe in tech. No one wants to go into an industry where they will get sworn at, or have snide remarks made at them. Here are some examples just from this thread:
>you're pretty fucking ignorant and stubborn and just dickish on the whole.
>no need to get your panties in a bunch over this.
You do realize the language being employed in your examples is from the side arguing in favor of the gender segregation themed conference, not against it, right?
Men are put off by nasty, aggressive vibes too. I don't know why you'd think that that's exclusive to women. Men want to work in a friendly, cooperative, supportive workplace where they won't be sworn at or have snide remarks made at them. Unfortunately, that's not always possible, because some people are jerks, and companies don't always hire well. I think that will always be true, because that is human nature.
>you're pretty fucking ignorant and stubborn and just dickish on the whole.
>no need to get your panties in a bunch over this.
>Could you kindly s tfu please?