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Redistribution kills motivation, ergo diminishes prosperity.

How do you simulate motivation?

All wealth is redistributed at some point. Many people just want to redistribute it to their kids.

I'd be happy with a flat tax for all, as long as there's a significant death tax. Maybe cap inheritances to (average household income x average life expectancy) for each child. The rest would be distributed to everyone else, equally.

I think that, in this context, "wealth redistribution" refers to forced redistribution.

Redistribution kills motivation

I know that I stopped working as hard to gain more wealth the second my taxes went up.*

* Stated by no one ever.

Maybe an economic system that doesn't require redistribution of economic gains due to political pressure. And I'm not talking about political pressure from the poor. We all know who's been fighting the "class war" and only one side has all the tanks, jets and bombs.

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