The Economist, imho, has never been a great place to read about Internet trends (they do a great job with cutting-edge tech, esp. from a science or R&D point of view). But their current special report is a rare exception.
Ludwig Siegele, the anchor (Economist writers are allowed bylines for special reports) has covered quite a bit of ground. Some of the stuff may be familiar to HN readers, but I can almost guarantee it will be very useful and revealing to most other (non-tech) readers. Which is why I'll take the risk of posting links to all the stories in the report:
That was arguably the most unambiguous and accurate prediction on the cover of a magazine, ever.
I remember the lady next to me on an airplane telling me she was just getting heavily into a house flipping business. I happened to have that issue of the Economist with me to read on the plane. I showed her the cover and said "But what about this?"
That cover story is what caused me to pivot my career away from architecture, as it was clear that architects would be absolutely hammered by the inevitable crash. (And they were; architecture as a whole suffered more job losses than any other industry). By the time the crash was bottoming out, I had a brand-new degree and job in the driverless vehicle industry.
I don't doubt their 'smarts' (I've been a reader/subscriber for nearly a decade). But when it comes to Internet/e-commerce/cloud, I've rarely ever found them as cutting edge. Of course their tech special reports are always a great read, but the focus there is mostly deeper, cutting-edge science/R&D etc.
Ludwig Siegele, the anchor (Economist writers are allowed bylines for special reports) has covered quite a bit of ground. Some of the stuff may be familiar to HN readers, but I can almost guarantee it will be very useful and revealing to most other (non-tech) readers. Which is why I'll take the risk of posting links to all the stories in the report:
The 'Cambrian Explosion' in web entrepreneurship -
Lean methodology -
How venture capital is adapting -
The role of accelerators, including YC -
Rocket Internet's approach towards farming startups -
Global startup ecosystems -
The 'dark side' of starting up -
Hardware startups and Shenzhen -
The growth of platforms -