True, but so what? What exactly have we gotten by those kind of startups that we couldn't have gotten better from stabler, long term, businesses?
I mean, consider, as I do, things like Instagram and Twitter as essentially BS.
The most valuable things I can think of is stuff like Google, Skype, PayPal et al. But those are not the kind of startups people pursue these days.
> The most valuable things I can think of is stuff like Google, Skype, PayPal et al. But those are not the kind of startups people pursue these days.
Sounds like you suffer from a severe case of confirmation bias.
True, but so what? What exactly have we gotten by those kind of startups that we couldn't have gotten better from stabler, long term, businesses?
I mean, consider, as I do, things like Instagram and Twitter as essentially BS.
The most valuable things I can think of is stuff like Google, Skype, PayPal et al. But those are not the kind of startups people pursue these days.