I don't know if this is why they have that, but that would make a pretty decent approach to restricting and slowing down XSS type attacks, if you can override and protect all the native built-in functions.
It should be easy using log analysis to then notice spikes in usage of something, and investigate.
I'm sure there are flaws in my idea, but I think it might work as part of a defense in depth approach.
Speaking of which, I wonder how much time developers worldwide waste by having to manually click OK on alert windows to continue execution? I much prefer console.log();
There's no reason not to - Safari / WebKit's Inspector is API-compatible with Firebug's console object, and there's always Firebug Lite for other browsers.
For plenty of things GUIs are not the way to go. I know I'm showing my age with this, but the command line / batch environment is so much more productive for many tasks than a GUI based environment.
It should be easy using log analysis to then notice spikes in usage of something, and investigate.
I'm sure there are flaws in my idea, but I think it might work as part of a defense in depth approach.