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If I understand the Telegraph docs correctly, it offers some event-based capability if you interact the app through your Django models exclusively. If, say, you've got a crawler that's out there discovering new content on the web, or a chatbot that listens on IRC, or another app that interacts with the DB via a different framework, you're pretty much out of luck, unless you also write those components to use Telegraph and Django models.

That's my point about every part of your system needing to be async-aware. Most off-the-shelf open-source components that people use to build websites now are not. Ironically I think we were in a better position in this respect in the early 2000s with JMS, Jini, JavaSpaces, CORBA, RMI, etc. but all of those fell by the wayside because of justifiable concerns about programming complexity. Now the latest generation of web developers is discovering async soft real-time programming again, and soon we will again discover those concerns about programming complexity.

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