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What I claim is that this iteration of humans have survived catastrophic black swan events in the past, and that catastrophic black swan events will happen in the future (in a very-long-term, i.e. evolutionary, timeframe).

Living humans don't have any reasonable concept of that, but evolution does have a memory of that[0].

I trust evolution to cover us for this type of future event better than I trust human prediction.

Being rooted in the here and now is something I would ascribe to humans before evolution: humans typically think as individuals on a time scale of 100 years - whereas if something has not been needed for 100 years, this does not illustrate that it is no longer of evolutionary importance.

[0] You can claim I am anthropomorphising here (but not in the earlier comment), but this is sometimes called an analogy, and is an accepted way of using the English language to describe concepts in a clear and simple way. Please ask any geneticist to translate this into evolutionary terminology if you remain unsure.

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