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Look at botnet and malware numbers.

Some of that malware is really crude, and pretty much said "you didn't install any software, but here I am, a bit of software installing itself and asking you for permission. Be careful, because i could be a virus and do real damage to your system. So, you know nothing about me, and I could be dangerous. Do you want to install me?"

See also the numbers of people who fall for 419 scams.

Hell, I don't know how to use the gmail iPhone app; the Facebook iPhone app, the Reddit mobile site. I come from a generation where you click it and see what happens. Without a confirmation step that click could now land me in jail.

What's weird is that Google have the numbers and the skill to test their UI Changes. The UI must make sense to most people or Google would iterate it.

It makes me feel decidedly behind the apex. Like an old man needing a 12 year old to set the VCR clock.

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