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I have a friend who works the emergency telephone line and is getting increasingly frustrated with calls regarding Facebook. A typical call will have the caller complain that, "[person x] has written something horrible on my wall!" So he says, "hang on? They've written on your wall? So you're friends with them?! Just un-friend them!"

In fact in a recent review he was told off for groaning loudly on the telephone when someone mentioned Facebook.

However, you can see that if Google+ continues with it's desperate push for market share like this, there will be more and more instances like that in the article. People really won't know how to properly eliminate others from the online social lives, as easily as just "un-friending" them.

G+ did nothing out of the ordinary here (if indeed it did anything, there is plenty of guess work in that post) Facebook friending and Twitter following have landed many a person in jail, none of these services got this sort of blame for it.

When adding someone to your circle they get an email notification, same as when you follow someone on Twitter they get an email telling them that, But suddenly in G+ it's 'aggressive'?! sensationalism and blaming one service for something that is done by all and is mainly innocuous is bad form.

And for the record G+ doesn't bulk send invites to all your contacts that just misinformation and FUD spreading.

> "And for the record G+ doesn't bulk send invites to all your contacts that just misinformation and FUD spreading"

Does it ever send individual invites without explicit and clear consent or without explicit action by the user?

I haven't consciously used G+ in a long time, yet people still occasionally get emails about me "adding them back". It's a very strange system and since I have no idea wtf it does or how it works, it can't really be said I'm doing that. I just read emails and use docs, and occasionally chat with a handful of people.

Every time I go to google+, usually because of an email notification, i get redirected to an interstitial that helpfully wants to email all my gmail contacts to invite them to google+. Every time I go to google+ I'm one accidental button press away from annoying all my contacts.

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