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Idea Paint (ideapaint.com)
13 points by streblo on July 13, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Kinda makes me nervous: Whoops. Sorry! I thought I was in my office....

If you redefine common things, your expectations diverge from the norm eventually. This is a problem only in proportion to the consequences of error, so it's one argument for strict standardization of safety measures.

Blackboard paint is cheaper. You can even mix it with other colors to make non-black colors. See: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ny/how-to/how-to-make-your-o... http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/another-color-twist-on-ch...

Someone on the Joel on Software discussion board noted that it would cost by hundreds of dollars ($600?) to paint a single wall.

I priced it out for a wall, and it's really expensive. For an 8ft x 18ft wall, at $3.99/square foot, it would cost $574.56.

Have you ever priced out a white board to fit that space? An actual whiteboard that size would be much pricier. This actually doesn't seem too unreasonable.

Interesting, but the site doesn't handle tools like NoScript gracefully.

Good thing for kindergardens or elementary schools :-) Can't imagine it'll spread elsewhere though. Looks too messy.

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