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AOL Sells Winamp And Shoutcast to Online Radio Aggregator Radionomy (techcrunch.com)
51 points by nashashmi on Jan 1, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Posting it again because it was a really good read:

Winamp’s woes: how the greatest MP3 player undid itself (2012) http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/06/winamp-how-greatest-...

I had hoped some HN'ers would end up purchasing it.

There was a fairly long string of comments pledging funds [1]. I'm curious how that panned out - in both terms of informal croudsourcing and how one negotiates with AOL-TW.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6777094

On Windows, I'm still using Winamp as of today because I haven't found an alternative of equal quality. Not sure why though considering that Winamp is so old, at least enough time to develop a good alternative!

I got lazy. I just drag the files into a Firefox tab because it's already there. Works great if you listen to mix mp3s or are obsessive about picking mp3s.


The best music player available as long as you're willing to spend hours customizing its shitty default interface, yes.

I highly recommend Music Bee.

I've lived by MPD since I first flirted with Unix in the day. It also runs on Windows.

So Microsoft didn't want Winamp and Shoutcast bad enough?

So Winamp's delay has been postponed by a year or two. Okay.

My first thought: AOL is still alive ?

You clearly don't follow the market very much.


I knew they were still a big company, but I didn't know about their recent uptick. What's going on there?


Alive _and_ kicking.

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