You misunderstand, this project is literally a fork of the bitcoin repo. They didn't just "copy general source code concepts". It's right there on their about page.
"the implementation of the neat idea of block chain is on the basis of twister."
MS Excel uses do...while loops, my latest project uses do...while loops, therefore my project is based on Excel. I was reading it as algorithm use not literally forking the codebase as appears to be the case. Not everything using Quicksort is a kissing cousin of everything else using Quicksort, for example.
Its still cheesy as a marketing scheme. This thing's bitcoin, that means its a currency, right, or a funds storage system, or a psuedobank, or .. oh its a microblog service. LAME.
From a tech perspective I think its cool as an unusual use of the algorithm and technology.
Bitcoins block chain implementation and idea is innovative and revolutionary. Your do... while example is not. Also, the blockchain is sort of the most important bit of bitcoin. I struggle to see how you're missing this...