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Coding a Clean & Illustrative Web Design from Scratch (sixrevisions.com)
38 points by profquail on July 11, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Amusing how the "clean and beautiful" design includes filling the top 30% of the browser with useless filler.

Clean doesn't mean minimal.

What you call useless is called either "branding" or "orientation" by certain professionals.

Can't say I'm a fan of the 'scorched earth' reset or the superfluous floats, but it's a lot to cover in one tutorial. He also does a lot of unnecessary work with those Photoshop techniques.

after being suspicious at first, i'm quite impressed with the clean and beautiful design and the process.

it's kinda 60% photoshop, 25% css and 15% html excercise

I stopped reading once they cropped the image and started manually getting rid of the shadows on the side of the header. This is a horribly inefficient way to create a website. I think this guy is gonna learn more from the responses to his article, then the readers are going to learn from him.

Nice. The part I always struggle with is the Photoshop part. Creating nice, repeatable background images is always hard. This has a nice explanation of it.

OK, there are a few flaws, as commenters on the original blog post have pointed out. But I give a lot of credit to the author for making a decent attempt to show how the PSD->coding process works.

It's all very well having graphic designers posting "PSD templates" on their portfolio pages and blogs, but half of those templates could not be converted into real web pages without losing significant parts of the effect, particularly where fonts are concerned.


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