> Likewise Torvalds refuses to let GPLv3 touch the kernel.
Please don't misrepresent other peoples view points out of context.
If you want to read Linux Torvalds opinion, I suggest that you start with either one of the many articles about it (like http://news.cnet.com/Torvalds-No-GPL-3-for-Linux/2100-7344_3...), or any of the many mails on the mailing list. You will notices that Torvalds criticism is mostly directed at the DRM provisions, since he don't think a copyright license should be able to dictate a political matter such as DRM restrictions on devices.
To quote:
"I also don't necessarily like DRM myself," Torvalds wrote.
"But...I'm an 'Oppenheimer,' and I refuse to play politics with Linux,
and I think you can use Linux for whatever you want to--which very much
includes things I don't necessarily personally approve of."
Please don't misrepresent other peoples view points out of context.
If you want to read Linux Torvalds opinion, I suggest that you start with either one of the many articles about it (like http://news.cnet.com/Torvalds-No-GPL-3-for-Linux/2100-7344_3...), or any of the many mails on the mailing list. You will notices that Torvalds criticism is mostly directed at the DRM provisions, since he don't think a copyright license should be able to dictate a political matter such as DRM restrictions on devices.
To quote: