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Poll: Star Wars or Star Trek?
7 points by vaksel on July 11, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments
What's your poison?
Star Trek
62 points
Star Wars
46 points
29 points
18 points

The problem with Star Trek is this: it isn't really sci-fi. It's fantasy set in space with technobabble replacing magic spells. Which is fine, but if that's your bag, why not go for real fantasy?

And this is annoying because Star Trek could be "what would the future be like?". They just have rubbish writers. Let me give you an example, the shields failing is a plot device, the ship is in danger, but it doesn't have to take any damage that would prevent the state of the universe being reset at the end of the episode. But in Enterprise, the writers were too lazy and stupid to come up with something new, so they did exactly the same thing with "hull polarization". Drop these writers onto a show about a present-day warship and they'd be stuffed. Whereas BSG's writers would take it in their stride.

The hallmark of real grown-up scifi is that state is maintained between episodes.

I think you’re a little too hard on Star Trek. I’ll be the first to admit the writer’s could be better versed in their theoretical physics and a lot of the space travel is just technobabble. But the real sci-fi element of Star Trek (at least TNG and Voyager which are the only ones I’ve watched) is in how technology changes society. The best episodes usually revolve around how this advanced technology has changed the way people relate to each other and how that impacts their relations with species they encounter.

It’s not as focused on the political elements as BSG is but I’d argue that Voyager in particular was a precursor to that more mature form of sci-fi.

To give an example I remember one particular episode of Voyager where they passed through a section of space inhabited by a species that had banned anyone with telepathic abilities. Though there was an action component to the episode the real interesting part came when discussing the rationale behind that society’s decision and the impact it had on those forced to carry out those order. That type of scenario is where Star Trek really shines.

This is even more true for Star Wars with its classic plot & conflicts -- if any.

Both have had moments of awesome brilliance. Both have been slowly ground into the dirt by writers with no exciting new ideas who have gone to the well too many times and finally sucked it dry.

Star Trek. Nothing beats TNG, not with the cast they had. DS9 and Voyager were also good. Haven't seen the original series though.

Patrick Stewart might just be my favorite actor. Even with no props or a set, the man could still deliver a riveting performance.

> Haven't seen the original series though

You have seen nothing.

Oh come on. The original series is hugely overrated. TNG sucks but it's way better than the original series.

I knew as soon as I made my comment that I was inviting this very rebuke!

Picard, Data, Q, Lore.. Hard to beat those characters.

Hm, I just looked at Wikipedia. Didn't realize TNG went back as far as '87, I didn't become a fan till the 90s.

Let's bury this tired old Slashdot meme. I am not morbidly obese, am not a virgin and do not live in my parent's basement, I do not eat Cheetos. I kind of like both of them but am not obsessed nor do I feel any "allegiance".

I doubt I am alone.

And lest I come across too "normal" - I like books much, much more. My allegiance is to the Culture, not the fucking Federation.


Babylon 5

Star Trek is fun enough. But it's amazing to see what Lucas does with his saga on so many different levels. Anyone interested in film analysis and/or commentary might find this worth reading. I wrote it ages ago:


Nice write-up, it gives me some things to look for next time I watch the movies, like Amidala's costume color.

Trek is a series of standalone 42-minute episodes written by different authors with different agendas. Wars is one man's vision and after the first movie Lucas had all the time and money required for the rest. So it's natural to think of Wars as a better "whole" than Trek.

But in both cases I find myself wishing the vision and writing had been better. Does anybody over the age of 5 think Jar-Jar Binks was a good idea well-executed? No, he was just a plot device. Trek's Wesley Crusher is equally grating in most of his episodes. ("Wesley" is not to be confused with the talented Wil Wheaton, who deserved a better character.)

But when I watch Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica, well, I don't think the writing is bad or the characters contrived. Better vision, better writing, better stories.

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