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Well, if they are programming languages, are still unstable 10 years late, have near zero adoption and are missing half of the promised features, then yes.

Unfortunately languages like Rust perfectly fit your definition. Because Rakudo was started around the same time as Rust and Rust is aiming for may be 1% of the feature set Perl 6 aims to achieve.

Rakudo was started around the same time as Rust

That's moving the goalposts a bit! What's currently called "Rakudo" is at least the sixth or seventh attempt at an implementation, not counting Pugs, viv, v6, or Niecza.

Rust appeared publicly as a project to build a language in 2010 (it was a personal, private, project kept under wraps by Graydon a few years before which is irrelevant).

Perl 6 was first started on 2000. I've been reading Larry's apocryphal descriptions of its "features to be" for 4 times more years than Rust exists.

Rakudo is just a particular attempt at Perl 6, not the first and neither it consists of first time the language was announced publicly.

I remember Larry also saying(On a youtube video, may be at the O'reilly conference) that he has been working on Perl 6 since 1987. That's how he wishes to describe it.

Even beyond that those are not "features to be". They are already available for use - http://perl6.org/compilers/features

Therefore I'm not sure what you've been reading, or if you are even reading them. Because if you would- you would know, Rakudo covers much of the Perl 6 specification.

By the way. Rust is still not complete. The wikipedia article says, work started in 2006- Which makes it 8 years and still incomplete. And this is for a project which has by far may be even 1000x modest goals. Python 3 was itself 10 years in development, and that is for small modifications to print statement and iterators. And even after 5 years since that date, it doesn't seem to have come any where closer to achieving good production scenario adoption.

And. These are- I said by far extremely modest goals compared to the Perl 6 project.

>I remember Larry also saying(On a youtube video, may be at the O'reilly conference) that he has been working on Perl 6 since 1987. That's how he wishes to describe it.

That's all well, but he announced it circa 2000. I don't care how he feels about it or how long he hacked it alone, I care since when the language was expected.

>Even beyond that those are not "features to be". They are already available for use http://perl6.org/compilers/features

Therefore I'm not sure what you've been reading, or if you are even reading them. Because if you would- you would know, Rakudo covers much of the Perl 6 specification.

In a half-arsed form and with 1/100 the community of Perl doing anything with them. And still not all of them.

Personally I stopped caring somewhere around 2006. And I've read all of Larry's "apocalypses" back when they used to be on Oreillynet, as well as followed the internal implementation politics for a few years.

>By the way. Rust is still not complete. The wikipedia article says, work started in 2006- Which makes it 8 years and still incomplete.

No, it says that it started as a "part-time side project in 2006". That could be 2 weeks total spend in those years writing a list of desired features in a napkin and getting a hello world compiled for all I know.

I only care about the time since the project was publicly announced and the community started working on it.

If Rust had been hyped as much as Perl6 I'd call it vaporware too. It may yet turn out to be vaporware (in that it's not done), but right now I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that they will actually deliver on their promises.

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