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To me, it's interesting that after all this time and with the prevalence of languages that rely heavily on garbage collection, garbage collectors still don't seem to scale to large heaps.

Large heaps mean long pauses when doing the "mark" phase of the generation holding most of the objects. That seems like a big problem that will increase as memory sizes increase.

Maybe the way I'm looking at it is too simplistic and there are better methods now. But even in Java, which has had plenty of time to work these issues out, I have seen issues with long GC pauses.

My impression right now is that GCs just don't scale to large heaps. To use more memory, you need to either manage memory yourself (which not a lot of modern languages allow), or increase the number of independent heaps (by using more tasks/processes).

Please enlighten me if I'm wrong here.

That seems to be the case in Oracle Java at least. With 80+ GB heaps, you can experience multi-minute stop-the-world collections when a full GC strikes. Luckily, that can be tuned to be very rare (for the usual load).

For better latency without such hiccups, the only solution I know of is Azul's Zing (http://www.azulsystems.com/zing/pgc) which really did away with larger pauses at least with our software.

What is "the usual load"?

Interesting; I'll check out the Azul one. I'm a little skeptical, but it might be an improvement. Did you see better throughput or just reduced latency?

By usual I mean what our application was tuned for.

Which, sadly, may or may not be what it encounters. There are still some usage patterns that can cause large amount of time being spent doing gc (without Zing).

Latency was greatly reduced, I cannot really say about throughput (except that it was not clearly worse at least).

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