Are you talking about first party connectors? We have projects in rural primary schools in Malawi and are yet to have single cable failure with our dozens of lightning iPads there.
I've yet to see a broken lightning connector personally of the 20-30 devices I've seen/used, but I can't say the same of USB. There are sample descrepencies of course, as USB has been around long, but saying the Lightning connector isn't durable is pretty much flat out the opposite opinion of most impressions/experiences, and sounds more like a paid spam-pinion without evidence supporting any specific issues.
The connector is durable but the cable leading up to it isn't. I can of course only speak anecdotally, but I've gone through 4 lightning cables in a year and a half, the kicker being that they're not by any measure cheap (AUD$25). My first one took less than a week to become unusable.
The cable itself is a whole nother story(and actually shared between the 30 pin.). Your post implies the connector sucks, when infact its probably one of the best connectors I have ever seen IMO.