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Because TCP is very simple, you can't imagine that "all of TCP" means what it actually says? Huh?

You guys are just to smart for me, I guess I'll have to withdraw from having any conversation at all since I've been downvoted into hellban for asking a question.

Here's some very personal advice. This is my opinion, and others won't agree. However, for what it's worth ...

I would suggest that you would benefit from learning how to ask questions. Here's a start:


However, there's more advice than that, and that, although a good start, is not to be taken as gospel. You probably also should read the site-specific commentary, and suggested alternatives:



The point is this - you said:

    Well, TCP is a very simple protocol so I can't imagine
    what the OP means by "all of TCP" unless he's talking
    about IP and it's associated services.
Here's an alternative:

    I'm not sure I understand what's been left out of this.
    Could someone provide a synopsis, and a pointer to more
Your comment comes across as "Well I know everything, so the only thing that's left out must be all the internet." The second admits that you don't know what people are talking about, and asks for more information.

And just as a final question - why do you think you've been hell-banned? Are you sure? In particular, I've turned on "Show dead", and you don't seem to have made any comments that have been auto-killed. The evidence suggests you are not hell-banned.

It also probably doesn't help that the username "FuckFrankie" sounds aggressive / combative

If you honestly think you've been downvoted for "asking a question", take a moment to think about the type of question you asked and the way you asked it.

There is no need to be sarcastic. tptacek is pointing out that this is only one portion of that protocol. "The entire Internet" and the rest of the protocol are not the same thing. If you've been downvoted or hellbanned, it's not simply because you asked a question.

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