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RapGenius Traffic Statistics (quantcast.com)
6 points by charleslmunger on Dec 26, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I think they were too strict on this one. I don't think it's fair to bankrupt a company forever for dodgy seo. hopefully it's not permanent?

Let's be honest, their competition is probably doing the same, but since they are famous on the tech scene, and their actions get on news sites google people read, they get penalized.

1. its not permanent. these type of things are usually for 60 days. see (http://readwrite.com/2012/01/03/google_forced_to_punish_itse...) 2. If everyone is "doing the same", then they are all likely to be punished equally, since they are taking active movements against it.

I think people are assuming that because rapgenius is being hit, no other lyrics sites are

ah good stuff. they are making a bad thing good at their twitter https://twitter.com/RapGenius

its a terrible thing for them, but hopefully only a temporary one.

it'll be a shitty couple of months


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