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Certainly these people are communicative, but that doesnt make them transparent. In my mind transparency implies an outsider having a reasonably accurate picture of the true state of affairs. These people (some of them psychopaths) will go to extraordinary lengths to convince as many people as possible that they are doing the great thing.

>They will be able to talk at length about what they are doing and how it will make everybody's life better

There is no crime in this. Everyone should think about these things. But I would argue that the malicious people need to spend more time communicating with many people to manage their perception - its almost like a propaganda war.

>openly promote transparency

This is vital information. If they openly promote transparency, you can use this attitude to suggest and implement real transparency in systems and workflows. Most of these people will recoil in horror at the idea of being exposed.

You are correct in that transparency is to those people like light is to vampires. If you (or anyone else) is interested in the academic treatment of these 'games' (that is what they are called), read Eric Berne's short book "Games People Play". In the book it is explained how what you called "transparency" can be achieved by giving the player the "antithesis" to his game.

Brilliant, i'll check it out.

Can you recommend further academic publications or research on this type of toxic behaviour in the workplace? What is the term for these people? Some of them are psychopaths but that seems a bit extreme for this range of behavioural traits.

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