Alas, I am not a cryptographer and not even a member of the Telegram team. I'm just a guy who backs Telegram financially and proposed to start their contest. I described my motives behind it here
As for your contest, I will make sure the Telegram team will have a look at it once they are awake. As far as I understand, you designed it to be similar to Telegram's contest. How do you send messages that affect traffic in real-time? How large is the prize? Is there a deadline?
I think the "prize" is obvious. Breaking this "unbreakable" 896bit-RSA + no auth + no signature + MD2 + XOR is a necessary condition for the Telegram contest to be taken seriously.
You can generate your own messages according to the scheme he gave (even using the same public key from Bob if you like), but they will not be aggregated into a public log.