So Arrington sees the future (or future competition for Google) as netbooks w/o Windows relying on Google Chrome (+ Zoho) to give the guy-in-the-street everything s/he needs.
It just might. Is this the real avenue to the one-laptop-per-child (in U.S./Europe/Pacific Rim even)?
Or implies it's an Arrington comment so I'm not responsible even if it makes not one iota of sense.
Personally I don't agree with him. There are some applications which will never run well on the cloud (think games and video editing). For the simple reason that most games (as in real games and not flash based casual gaming stuff) require a proper operating system to run.
Besides, if I have my entire os as cloud based what happens when my cloud goes down??? It may not be the case in the US but in a lot of other countries, internet connections are not really reliable. Or what if Google itself goes down (they aren't immune to outages are they)???
Personally I'd like to use my computer even if something goes down.
It just might. Is this the real avenue to the one-laptop-per-child (in U.S./Europe/Pacific Rim even)?