This was originally a presentation aid and as such I only fully tested it in Chrome on a projector at 1280x960. I would like to keep improving the FF support in my spare time, and PRs are also welcome ;)
The flood of HN traffic motivated me to sit down and squash a bunch of bugs tonight. Should look much better in Firefox now, including a visible slinky!
The real question is whether you want to invest the time needed to create a fallback for those users. Websites that use the new CSS things as a primary thing (like this presentation) won't work, but sites where the newfangled CSS things are used just as embellishment - dropdowns, sliding menus, spinners, you name it - will remain functional, just not as pretty.
OT, but if you upvote an article, it gets saved into your "saved stories". You can find the link on your profile if you click your username in the URH corner.
awesome. totally brilliant. it's rare that something
absolutely knocks my socks off, but i'm sitting here
in my bare feet, wondering what the heck happened...
this is gonna take some time to digest, but thank you,
thank you so much, for doing something so outrageous...