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Pandora (And Other Internet Radio) Has Officially Been Saved (techcrunch.com)
36 points by vaksel on July 7, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Pandora was nice, I've moved on to other services I listen to thesixtyone most of the time because a large amount of it is generally good music and if not I skip it, for more mainstream I can find songs on grooveshark (don't know if that will get shut down or not).

If I was ever going to pay for a radio like service it would have to be something like di.fm where pandora has variety and choice di.fm still has had enough quality that variety didn't matter to me.

Grooveshark is an awesome service. Especially now that Youtube muted all the copyrighted songs.

Its a good place to go when you want to find that one song or artist.

the autoplay feature sorta works like streaming radio.

Disclaimer: I'm working on Autoplay at Grooveshark.

I'm interested in hearing any feedback you might have about this. Please e-mail me or just respond to this comment with your thoughts.

Good deal for Pandora, but I think they'll still lose users.

Pandora One is $36/yr. Under this payment plan, they pretty much get most of their users that they'll keep onto a $12/yr plan. Because 40 hours of radio is nothing.

But since most people hate paying, even if its $.99/mo, I think that'll cost them a ton of users. A free alternative will spring up quickly enough.

Good opportunity for pirate bay here, Pirate Radio

Pandora isn't really about the music. It's about the song selection engine, which is amazing.

Pirate radio could never come close.

>Pirate radio could never come close.

On hackernews, I believe that's a challenge.

surely they could use all of those users to build something similar?

Yea, but the article mentions that only 10% of people already go over 40 hours. The most they'll lose because of this is 10%...and it honestly won't be that high.

I'm curious how those hours stack up as well - you could burn through that pretty quick in almost any office on a static IP.

for me, I'd go over the limit in 3 days. I have Pandora pretty much running non-stop in the background

me too. the ads and one hour time limits are increasingly annoying-- I'm going to the full subscription for $36 a year. totally totally worth it.

Good that legislation is moving towards the direction of dealing with Internet services in a reasonable way (since Internet as main distro media pipeline cannot be stopped).

Also good that they've figured out rates. Although, they're still higher than radio rates. Little steps...

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