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A Microsoft Star Goes to Google (nytimes.com)
27 points by sciwiz on Dec 16, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

It really bothers me when stories like this make the news. There is no story, the article is void. And to think it reached Hacker New's front page!

"news" is a relative thing. It's on "bits.blogs.nytimes.com"...

I don't know Blaise or have any direct experience with him, however when I worked at Microsoft I used to enjoy his talks and demos at company events. That doesn't sound like much but that was pretty rare.

At the same time my cynical side would figure that if he's half as competent as he seemed to be in these appearances, he's probably unhappy at Microsoft.

Looks like he was involved in Photosynth - which just got an update. http://photosynth.net/preview

The other story should be that we won't really get to play with the Photosynth tech (mentioned in the story) until https://www.google.com.au/patents/US20130100128 expires.

How ist this preventing anyone to use the collinearity equation and bundle adjustment in similiar ways?

The whole field of photogrammetry is pretty much build on these foundations which didn't just pop up in 2008.



Thanks, I didn't know about these.

He's not the first Microsoft employee to go to Google, and won't be the last. Maybe if this was Steve Ballmer, it would be newsworthy, but other than that, no...

Did MSFT make a counter-offer or any other attempt to retain Agüera y Arcas?

How the f is this newsworthy

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