I have been isolated after moving to another city, where I have a room to live and a hackerspace, with a couple of furniture, internet and a coffee machine. I spend my entire day at the hackerspace and night at my room. No friends, no family and no people to talk to on regular basis.
I am working on a couple android application projects for "www.terminal.com" as a freelancer, and one personal side project in PHP. I spend several hours in front of my laptop all day, and few hours when I get back to my room at night. Recently I have found myself something has changed inside me. I feel like I am a completely different person. It is hard to stay focused on anything and to maintain meaningful conversation with people. I sometimes talk to myself, and sometimes go out to talk to random people (to feel normal, as I think it of).
I don't take much caffiene. One cup of coffee in the morning is all. I drink enough water but there's no fixed time for lunch. Once or twice a week I see one of my friends, hangout for an hour or so, and return back to my reality. It feels like I am just playing a role of mine in front of people.
Is it normal to feel abnormal after spending several weeks in solitary? What can I do to make sure I stay productive?
I would love to hear from you after you have read this far. Do you have any experience of programming in almost complete solitary state?
There's a very good documentary, A Map for Saturday, abut a guy who decides to travel around the world (more or less) with only what he can carry on his back. (And some camera stuff). I think he wanders for a year.
He knows no one in the places he goes, and often does not know the local language. He talks abut the odd sensation of going days without having a simple conversation with anyone and how thankful he feels when he gets the chance to just sit down and chat with other people (other similar travelers, I believe). It's a terrific film overall.
I do not think of myself as a particularly social person, but I get antsy if I spend a lot of time without talking to another friendly human. Luckily I work from home and my wife is almost always around so I can go pester her. Other times I just start making a lot of phone calls to family and friends.
I think it's important to get out of your own head on a regular basis.
ref: http://www.amapforsaturday.com