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[dupe] Feminism and Programming Languages (hastac.org)
9 points by kevbin on Dec 15, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Interesting. I am rather sceptical about the likelihood that this will lead to concrete, useful results. But the discussion and explanation from the author in the site's comments convinced me that it's a question worth exploring and she's doing it with an open mind and full understanding of the concepts she plans to challenge.

There's ample precedence in math and logic for ideas that seemed foolish at first glance but turned out to lead to fruitful results. My favorite example is imaginary numbers: just ad something that in your previous system is impossible to its axioms, and it turns out to be not only logically consistent but also eventually to have practical applications.

An interesting approach to this might be a language which has first-class constructs for probabilistic programming techniques - something like ProbLog, for example http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/problog/

> This led me to wonder what a feminist programming language would look like, one that might allow you to create entanglements

What is an "entanglement" in the context of things that programming languages can create?

Discussed three days ago; 76 comments:


First I thought it was a parody but I'm started to think that they are talking in a serious way.

What's next? Feminist quantum mechanics?

This originated from 4chan

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