If you want to try the games, here they are:
Theme - Tiny World: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=preview...
Theme - Evolution: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/08/28/tower-of-nugs/
Theme - Minimalism: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-26/?action=preview... (this one was for the Compo, and didn't go as well as I hoped. Still, I believe I achieved the experience and message I wanted)
EDIT: Github for the last game https://github.com/Vaskivo/LudumDare26_MOAI
If you're having trouble just press 'left' during the whole game for an unintended cheat/bug.
If you want to try the games, here they are:
Theme - Tiny World: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-23/?action=preview...
Theme - Evolution: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/08/28/tower-of-nugs/
Theme - Minimalism: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-26/?action=preview... (this one was for the Compo, and didn't go as well as I hoped. Still, I believe I achieved the experience and message I wanted)
EDIT: Github for the last game https://github.com/Vaskivo/LudumDare26_MOAI