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Thanks for your question. Currently it will just stay as unclaimed balance. But probably it is a good idea to return it back to the project eventually.

PS: Thanks for your hint regarding valid email addresses. If your email address is a@ai or something similar - you won't receive tips, sorry.

I've evaluated using tip4commit, and I need either

* The ability to prevent specific email addresses being tipped. * Or the above-mentioned returning unclaimed balance to the project.

In my use case, I make a lot of commits, but I am entirely interested in sending the tips to committers who are not me. If I use tip4commit in its current state, I'll deplete the tip jar quite quickly, and not likely attact more committers.

Running some numbers, I have made 200 commits to git-annex in the past week. If I seed the tip jar with $1000, after a week I calculate I will have been tipped $866 back out of it to myself. After 2 weeks, only $18 will remain in the tip jar!

Hope this can be improved; it would be a pity to have to roll my own, and this otherwise seems exactly what I need.

[quick haskell program used to simulate it:

    main = print $ calc 0 200 500

    calc :: Float -> Int -> Float -> (Float, Float)
    calc totalout 0 tipjar = (totalout, tipjar)
    calc totalout n tipjar =
        let payout = tipjar/100
        in calc (totalout + payout) (n - 1) (tipjar - payout)


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