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New US spy satellite logo features world-devouring octopus (arstechnica.com)
289 points by Eye_of_Mordor on Dec 10, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 124 comments

Link-baity title, but warranted, I'd say.

The story is that the government is launching a spy satellite with a logo on it featuring a "mascot" -- a giant Kraken-like octopus taking over the planet. Whoever created it could only have been thinking of their bureau's unchecked ability to do what it wanted and not the public's perception of it because the creature, especially its eye, looks menacing, ominous, foreboding, malicious, malevolent, and borderline evil. It implies the agency is insular, unaccountable, and has an aggressive, secret agenda it cares about more than anything else, certainly more than your privacy or the consequences of its actions.

The kicker is a comment that juxtaposes the logo with a warning illustration saying "Know your communist enemy" with a nearly-identical logo, presumably implying an evil enemy from the Cold War, which we have become.

The government octopus looks like the Kraken on the top of the wikipedia page -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraken -- except the government one is planet-sized and its eyes seem to have more evil intent, to me, at least.

This reminds me of a relevant Mitchell ans Webb clip, "Are we the baddies?". As an American, I'm having trouble deciding if if we are at this point.

Edited to add clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv2XGQBcvxQ

That skit is hilarious.

That said, it also just goes and forgets pretty much anything about what happens when you tell a bunch of men to live together so that they can go kill other men.

It also skims over the history of that particular emblem. The death's head has been used by 'elite' Prussian and Germany military units back to the 19th century. Obviously the point is to incite a little fear, and obviously the point is that they're breaking taboos. That's the whole point is being in an army.

And finally, in this particular case, humour stripped of its context always has the possibility to offend. While you're typically expected to take that into account while making your jokes ("political correctness" / "minimize backlash"), there is definitely a tradition of ignoring such considerations. Typically in military combat arms, but often extending to related situations (this might extend to the black humour of paramedics for example).

So the point is that "Are we the baddies" is hilarious, but its not very useful to think of life in that context - well, at least the just 'evaluating your badness by your symbols' part.

Heh, I am just picturing a fabulous army prancing around with the charter to "break taboos"

Yes. We are the baddies. Have been for a while.

yep, still are, and looking at that mascot, that will not change anytime soon :P

Wow, only one person I can agree with at the bottom. Must still be too comfortable at the top of the heap.

I don't think we're baddies so much as the logical outcome of relatively unchallenged power. But the internet has created, in a sense, an entire new world to figure out how to control. Hence the governments incredible efforts to monitor it, even to go so far as to create fake WoW accounts. The satellite is a real world manifestation of their far larger virtual world activities.

> It implies the agency is insular, unaccountable, and has an aggressive, secret agenda

You're giving these people way too much credit. Military and intelligence patches are all about bravado and "USA #1" not some sophisticated and cryptic critique of their employer. I've had a long time interest in this stuff and let me tell you, its all tasteless and dumb, with the occasional touch of humor. The patch critical of the USG simply wouldn't be approved. There's no big anti-US message here. Its exactly as it seems.

It's certainly not a critique.

To me it shows that the people in the agency are oblivious to the rest of the world outside of the agency.

There have been a bunch of embarrassing revelations about domestic and foreign spying, but instead of being embarrassed or ashamed like they should be, they're as gung-ho and bold as ever.

It's no wonder there have been so many slip ups when they're so clueless about public perception. It doesn't take a secret spy agency to realize this logo would not go over well.

> To me it shows that the people in the agency are oblivious to the rest of the world outside of the agency.

It's fairly well-established that this is by design.

I'm not even that deeply interested in military/intelligence, and I share your stance. It takes only a cursory survey of their patches, particularly air units, to see the logos are not created with any kind of serious purpose- no more serious than when my casual hockey team decided to call themselves the Honey Badgers.

This article has examples of other patches, as you mention: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/why-the-us-launched-a-spy-r...

Indeed. As the article points out, it's all very super-villainy. They're not even trying to pretend they're the good guys anymore.

You've never played an MMO, have you? There is a huge, huge overlap between the people who like being villains and the people who like being good guys.


It does look menacing and ominous, but it's only supposed to be used against them. Whether you agree with it or not, it's the premise widely shared by Americans and those in the intelligence agencies and in the military. It renders your following implication inaccurate: "It implies the agency is insular, unaccountable, and has an aggressive, secret agenda it cares about more than anything else, certainly more than your privacy or the consequences of its actions."

No, what it implies is that those who intend to do evil against America cannot hide anywhere in the world. It's consistent with Roosevelt's Big Stick, which is something Americans have always embraced: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Stick_ideology. The idea is that we're free at home, but militarily unchallengable on the world stage.

> The kicker is a comment that juxtaposes the logo with a warning illustration saying "Know your communist enemy" with a nearly-identical logo, presumably implying an evil enemy from the Cold War, which we have become.

Could we declare a moratorium on false equivalency for like just a week? Last time I checked, we still have elections and aren't sending political prisoners to siberia. Not to mention that we haven't killed tens of millions of our own people. There is that too.

The false equivalencies are probably more of a "there but for the grace of Columbia go we," type of thing. The disease that is Empire never has exactly the same symptoms.

Last time I checked, the elections did not significantly change policy, despite a change in the balance of power between parties. The US has the highest per-capita rate of incarceration in the world, mostly over Prohibition. And the millions we have killed are mostly in other countries that do not respeck our authoritah.

On top of that, the US has the clanking cojones to demand that banks everywhere in the world comply with its tax regime, and that every single packet of communication on the planet be subject to its spying.

At what point do we look down and notice that we're dressed entirely in black armor, while holding a red lightsaber in one hand, and twirling the well-waxed end of our luxurious handlebar moustache with the other? Not only have we become the bad guys, but we have become a Hollywood caricature of badguyness.

Hence the giant octopus. A normal bad guy hides his nefarious deeds behind a banal logo and seal. An over-the-top, booed-by-the-audience bad guy makes his logo into a tentacled beast devouring the entire world.

> Last time I checked, the elections did not significantly change policy

What makes you think that people want a change in policy, in some substantive sort of way? There is a reason that third parties in the U.S. are ridiculed: most people don't agree with any of their positions. Few people are far enough to the right that they want to get rid of the Department of Education like the libertarians, or far enough to the left that they want to revive the power of the labor unions, like the greens. People who opposed Iraq turned around and exerted the President to get into Syria.

> The US has the highest per-capita rate of incarceration in the world, mostly over Prohibition.

An interesting aspect of the original Prohibition was that it was, at the time, perceived as a triumph of Democracy. It was deeply intertwined with the women's suffrage movement, and succeeded despite the enormous power, money, and influence of the alcohol manufacturers. It succeeded despite the fact that at the time, the federal government derived 1/3 of its revenue from liquor taxes.

The drug war is bad, sure, but it's a sign of a misguided democracy not an authoritarian regime. I grew up in the suburbs in the early 1990's, surrounded by soccer moms shrieking "just say no!" This year was the first time since 1969 that a majority of Americans supported decriminalizing marijuana: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/10/marijuana-legalization.... Not ending the drug war, just decriminalizing the most harmless of the drugs. And not "likely voters" but a group including lots of young people who won't vote to effectuate that policy. You can't look at the drug war and call it some sort of failure of democracy, a slide into Stalinist despotism.

> And the millions we have killed are mostly in other countries that do not respeck our authority.

There is a big difference between killing people in other countries and killing people in our own country.

> to demand that banks everywhere in the world comply with its tax regime

Doesn't seem unreasonable, considering that banks everywhere transact with or through the United States.

> No, what it implies is that those who intend to do evil against America cannot hide anywhere in the world.

Define "evil" and "America"? Seeing how war profiteers sending off your young into wars, and making everyone else pay for toys that are just as mind boggingly expensive as they are mind boggingly useless for anything but murder and control, doesn't seem to either count as "evil" or as perpetrating it against "America".

> we still have elections

Oh yeah. "Hope And Change! Now That I Got This Fuck You". Rinse, repeat.

> aren't sending political prisoners to siberia

No, you send them to Gitmo or black sites. Snowden is stuck in Russia. Manning got tortured right at home.

> we haven't killed tens of millions of our own people

Well, the private prison industry is more profitable, is it not? http://www.inthepublicinterest.org/blog/%E2%80%9Clockup-quot...

Indeed, why kill people when you can milk them? Murdering millions of people is very low tech, and unless, you use very expensive weaponry others pay for, just not profitable. From a capitalistic viewpoint it's plain dumb. I think that explains more than any "values" you might think are present at higher echolons of power.

> Oh yeah. "Hope And Change! Now That I Got This Fuck You". Rinse, repeat.

Those liberals who opposed the war in Iraq and voted for Obama turned right around and cheered for intervention in Syria. It's not some failure of democracy when people get what they want.

> No, you send them to Gitmo or black sites. Snowden is stuck in Russia. Manning got tortured right at home.

One U.S. citizen was ever held in Guantanamo, and he was caught fighting against the U.S. in Afghanistan. He was transferred out. Snowden is stuck in Russia because he doesn't want to face charges for crimes he committed. Manning submitted to military justice by joining the military.

> Well, the private prison industry is more profitable, is it not? http://www.inthepublicinterest.org/blog/%E2%80%9Clockup-quot....

I very strongly oppose private prisons, but it's utterly ridiculous to compare them to the Stalinist regime. 8% of Americas prisoners are in private prisons. The number became substantially more than 0% only in this decade, while we've been imprisoning poor minorities in huge numbers since the 1980's and 1990's. In other words, they're a response to incarceration rates, not something driving those incarceration rates.

It's not really a compelling argument to point to a random list of bad things about America then say "it's just like Stalinist Russia." There's no thought or reason in your argument, just vituperative handwaving.

Being manipulated into wars for profit is a functioning democracy for you? Guess what, democracy doesn't just mean "citizens making decisions, period", it means "citizens making informed decisions" at the very least. I wonder if any country in the whole world is a "real" democracy in that sense, but the US sure as fuck isn't. It's not even running.

> It's not really a compelling argument to point to a random list of bad things about America then say "it's just like Stalinist Russia."

Then point to where someone said that? Let me quote it:

The kicker is a comment that juxtaposes the logo with a warning illustration saying "Know your communist enemy" with a nearly-identical logo, presumably implying an evil enemy from the Cold War, which we have become.

An enemy. Not "just like Stalinist Russia". Nobody was even talking of Stalin... Yes, the Soviets were also an enemy to their own people, but I read the above as the US slowly but surely becoming an evil enemy to others. That your population even is for letting people rot in Gitmo (not because there is even a shred of evidence against them, but because they might "turn terrorist"), or don't terribly mind extrajudicial killings, by drone or otherwise, or aggressive wars doesn't even matter. That it's (in your eyes) a functioning democracy isn't relevant either: it's like the Nazis aren't excused by everybody voting for Hitler or screaming for total war. If murder of foreigners is somehow less wrong to some, then that doesn't make it less of murder, it makes it worse in my books. And while you could quibble about scale, I would respond that if a friend of yours killed 1 person, you would probably not want to be their friend anymore, at all - instead of saying "at least it wasn't 10, 100 or 1000". Also, the US is not stingy when it comes to scale or brutality, either.

You're right. We send them to Gitmo, or the Salt Pit, or Abu Ghraib. Does held indefinitely without trial or charges qualify as a political prisoner? It certainly fits my definition.

Poor treatment of prisoners of war is not equivalent to imprisonment of political dissenters. The only American citizen ever held in Guantanamo was captured in Afghanistan fighting against the U.S. and was transferred out.

> Poor treatment of prisoners of war

They are not prisoners of war. Treatment of POWs is covered by all sorts of international treaties. Guess what? Waterboarding is not exactly sanctioned by any of those.

Nope, our government has defined them as "unlawful enemy combatants," whatever the fuck those are. Basically, it means that we can hold them without trial until the "Global War on Terror" is over. I will ask again, how are these not political prisoners?

No, we say they aren't prisoners of war and are thus exempt from the protections given to prisoners of war, but they are. That's part of the mistreatment of POWs. But the fact hat we're trying to get around the treaties protecting POWs doesn't make these people "political prisoners." They're not being held because they're political dissenters. They're held because they were captured in theaters of war.

Whether or not somebody is a terrorist is largely a matter of perception. Consider the case of Shaker Aamer.

"The Northern Alliance took him into custody in Jalalabad on 24 November 2001, and passed him to the Americans. The US routinely paid ransom for Arabs handed over to them."

"Status: Cleared for release in 2007. Still held at Guantanamo."


I will grant you, if you want to narrowly define political prisoner to someone who is exclusively a political dissident, you are right. How do you classify people held for over a decade without charges? The political prisoner label is expedient because it implies that the reasons for holding that person are that they are simply undesirable, and that they should not be allowed to be a part of a society; not because they are guilty of some specific act. Hell, even political prisoners get their day in kangaroo court. We have not even put up show trials for these men.

> Hell, even political prisoners get their day in kangaroo court. We have not even put up show trials for these men.

That understates the case. "Cleared for release" means that the process has already determined that they do not need to be held. Its, arguably, worse than not giving him a chance to prove that he shouldn't be held -- we've already determined that he shouldn't be held and are holding him anyway.

(And Aamer's case is particularly bad, even among Guatanamo cases, because, unlike the cases of detainees where no country is willing to accept them on release, Aamer has legal status as a non-citizen resident of the UK and the UK has repeatedly requested his release by the US.)

Here's the thing. I don't even disagree that the U.S. has badly handled the situation with the Guantanamo detainees. It's valid to detain prisoners during a war, but they should be repatriated after hostilities cease. You have to acknowledge that the U.S. is in a rough spot, because 30% of detainees returned to Afghanistan started fighting again against the U.S., and for many of the detainees, the home countries didn't want them back. And the U.S. states were totally unwilling to even host trials for the detainees on their soil, particularly Virginia where many of those trials would have been held. But there were probably better ways to handle the detainees.

However, this has nothing to do with the comparison between the U.S. and Stalinist Russia. The latter detained Russian citizens because of their political opposition to the regime. Those are political prisoners. Or, for other examples, people like Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for political opposition to the South African government.

There is an enormous difference between a country's internal political institutions and its shortcomings in the conduct of war on foreign soil with respect to foreigners. You can't just pretend these are the same thing. This is a distinction that American law takes very seriously: John Walker Lindh was recognized as an American, despite being captured with Afghan fighters in Afghanistan, was never held in Guantanamo, and was given a criminal trial in the U.S.

Trials and due process are protections that Americans are entitled to when they are accused of crimes. Foreigners suspected of making war against the U.S. and captured on foreign soil are simply not entitled to these things. It's not a "crime" to wage war against the U.S., it's not something that falls within the jurisdiction of criminal courts. It's something that falls within the sovereign right of a nation to defend itself against foreign attackers. The rules and standards of conduct are totally different.

> Trials and due process are protections that Americans are entitled to when they are accused of crimes.

Trials and due process are protections that everyone, regardless of citizenship status, are afforded in this country. If you disagree, check out how many illegal immigrants are currently incarcerated.

I fundamentally disagree with your assessment. Terrorism is in fact a crime, with plenty of statutes covering exactly what it is. Declaring a war on terror is like declaring a war on communism, when does it end? Where do the battles take place?

I am honestly trying to wrap my mind around your position here. Are you saying that you think we should be able to lock people up -- potentially forever -- on the word of people who were compensated financially for turning over "terrorists?" How can you reconcile that with anything the US supposedly stands for?

Poor treatment of prisoners of war is not equivalent to imprisonment of political dissenters.

Many people at Guantanamo Bay were not captured on any battlefield. Unless of course you define the whole world as a battlefield (as the White House does). That has the unfortunate consequence of transforming citizens into terrorists suspects too and suspending their rights.

fun tin foil time: I know that you are generally very well informed and keep a sound perspective on things, but I personally think that you, and the Americans who "widely" hold the view that the military and intel community is fully delineating between the "us"==US citizenry and a "them"==Our 'Enemies' is now proven to be both outdated and naive.

I believe there was a rather long coup of the US by the CIA starting with the Kennedy assassination where we saw the cabal surrounding GHW Bush, largely starting in the 70s, with Bush, Rumsfeld Cheney and many others in their circle which have been in unquestionable power for nearly 40 years now. The NSA, CIA, NRO are tools of this group, where there is effectively an "inner circle" of the intelligence community which has far more insidious motives and methods for maintaining their position of control, which allows them to direct world wide warfare and economic matters for the benefit of themselves.

The "military" is an exceptionally well manipulated tool for this end.

I am posting from my phone so I'd like to go more I detail when I get to a machine.

Cheney is largely the architect of the current government/military/contractor system where he worked from the position of sec. Of defense under Bush to change how the military was structured to make it a larger profit center for a small number of connected contracting companies.

The Clinton's are CIA assets controlled through their Mena Ar drug running activities and as such was "allowed" to run as the democratic figure head because the back end wasn't going to change.

So, if you think that there is not a nefarious group at the center of the current architecture of the military industrial complex striving to control everything, then you may have not been paying close enough attention to the action of these groups, and individuals, and been listening too much to the programming of your "news" sources.

This is not to say that the US military is all "bad" but you'd be completely nave to see it as anything more than a tool used by a very specific interest. Just look at the false "intelligence" lies that they tried to use to profit from attacking Syria. And the "punishment" they exacted by shutting down the government when they were stood up to.

The question remains, who is them?

Someone once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," but I don't know who.

On of my favorite ship names in the culture series of novels was "I Said, I've Got A Big Stick" which of course was always written in very small type.

Of course this should be used in our world by an AC 130 gunship.

"Obama is a world-devouring octopus" featuring a logo of this creature with Obama's face would be "link-bait".

Sadly, this title isn't provocative at all, since "nothing beyond our reach" is world-devouring! Poor octopus :'(

>especially its eye, looks menacing, ominous, foreboding, malicious, malevolent, and borderline evil. It implies the agency is insular, unaccountable, and has an aggressive, secret agenda

Thanks, that gave me a good chuckle. I never realized the power of a cartoon eye.

Non-link-baity titles don't get as much love:


How is the title link-baity?

It doesn't say "logo". Literally interpreted, it means that there is a giant octopus on the satellite. That provokes one to click the link to find out more.

Oh, good grief. That was the original article's title.

We don't have to use the original title here. I too thought it meant a real octopus.

Really? You read 'world-devouring octopus' and thought that not only have US scientists discovered Cthulhu, but they've decided to launch him into space to ride on a satellite? You really believed that? Life for you must be much more alarming than it is for most of us!

Isn't that what is happening, though? I have yet to RTFA, but I for one welcome our world-devouring octopus overlords.

Well, I didn't think that but I was very confused about what the article could be about.

No, the mods strictly and remorselessly enforce the "use the original title at any cost" rule, even when it is misleading and/or linkbait. Any attempt to provide essential context in the title is met with condemnation.

Welcome to Hacker News, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter!

...the points don't matter!

Holy crap! I wish someone had told me...

Literally interpreted, it means that there is a giant octopus on the satellite.

And how do you know that there isn't?

Besides, the use of the word "features" to mean "has a picture of on it" is pretty well established. The US coat of arms features an eagle, but that doesn't mean there is an actual eagle sitting on it.

They could have used Marvel' logo for HYDRA. There's already a DARPA project for SHIELD.


So.. an accurate depiction then?

That Octopus is probably one of their tamer patches. The National Reconnaissance Office missions have the best patches - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NRO_Launches and http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/Mission_Pa... detail them rather well.

Hah! One of their patches has the latin motto "Omnis Vestri Substructio Es Servus Ad Nobis", which roughly translates to "All your base are belong to us"!

I found this[1] one to be particularly reassuring.

[1] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/NROL49_pa...

It says "Better the devil that you know"

Similar motif on NROL-66: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NROL-66_Patch.png

Can't make this shit up

This one... I have no idea how this one makes me feel: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/NROL10_US...

Like, seriously, what if they were all like that?

I think the way it should make you feel is,

Clearly, the patches are silly and I don't know why I care so much about this

There's a whole book, titled I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagon's Black World: http://www.amazon.com/Could-Tell-Then-Would-Destroyed/dp/193...

The DEA has some crazy patches too.

Cocaine Intelligence Unit: http://i.imgur.com/2RFM677.jpg Unicorn: http://i.imgur.com/QOsCRYE.jpg

My favourite was their Blues Brothers launch: the satellite Elwood, with a motto "on a mission from DoD"

If you are a fan of "Sneakers", you'll find this one familiar:


Setec Astronomy! God that brings back memories.

Doesn't seem all that surprising, these kinds of things have been around for years:



Patches seem more like a game of one-upmanship.

I do like this patch's story, sounds just like something a bunch of engineers would come up with:


> This patch for NROL-49 depicts a phoenix rising from the flames with the flag of the United States in the background. The Latin words “Melior Diabolus Quem Scies” roughly translates to mean “The Devil You Know,” as in the phrase “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know”. Cryptic. According to NASA, this saying refers to the return of the use of an old system after attempting to use a new one, which had resulted in failure.

One of the best all time patches:


The so-called "Dambusters" motto was "Apres moi les deluge"

Which for those of us who don't know French... "After me, the flood"

Yes, it's a ballsy logo, but on the other hand...

Wikipedia tells us that NROL-39's payload is actually a Topaz synthetic aperture radar (SAR) node, flying in constellation with two others already in operation, and two more to come.

This is essentially not-at-all-threatening to civil liberties, being a ground-elevation mapping platform (and to a second order, some degree of surface roughness), of not particularly good resolution, at a semi-polar low earth orbit. There are commercial counterparts to this that are presently in operation, like TanDEM-X, and an order of magnitude improvement on that constellation's capabilities would remain insufficient to track anything particularly interesting beyond the construction over time of large static structures, with a relatively long revisit time.

It should be noted Topaz was the only outcome of a failed $25 billion dollar project called Future Imagery Architecture:

> the project was killed in what the Times report calls "perhaps the most spectacular and expensive failure in the 50-year history of American spy satellite projects."


They spent more money than the entire GDP of about 90+ countries for a single spy satellite:


A big portion of that money went to Boeing:


Haha, no wonder that in the actual logo, the globe is turned so that the octopus is feeding on North America. The motto instead should have been "nom, nom, nom".

Don't give them ideas.

:) Actually, the fact that China is turned to the viewer, with a tentacle overlaying it, is possibly indicative of its tasking. The octopus has five tentacles; three are visible, and this is the third of five TOPAZ satellites to be launched.

If there was Wikipedia in 1974 it would have told us that the Glomar Explorer was built to mine manganese nodules from the ocean floor.

And what is it you suppose this satellite is tasked with?


This is an intelligence mission, it's just one of the least sinister of all the intelligence missions that can be performed from space. We are performing those missions - just not on this launch.

Given that is is a modern radar and part of an array, my guess would be deep subsurface 3d spectroscopy using ground penetrating radar technology, similar to what is now used in mining - http://adrokgroup.com/ , then you know where the distribution of elements are down to several miles below the surface, which means you then know where all the nuclear material in the world is and can spot when it moves. Oh and as a bonus, you have a huge edge on mineral rights.


The previous-generation Larcosse radint satellites were capable of vehicle-sized resolution and were also tasked with post-strike damage assessment. Before-and-after action radar imagery could be collected regardless of cloud cover.

I like it. It's so super-villainy that I can't help but think it's meant tongue-in-cheek. And the logo does look awesome.

Definitely tongue-in-cheek after seeing some of the other logos.

The military/spy agencies are not concerned about being politically correct. This is sort of a tradition, if you look at missile projects they all have logos like these and are called things like "reapers" etc... If we start seeing this on the White House seal I'll be concerned.

It is a little weird to have devils and such strongly worded messages in mission badges, but it's come to be expected.

There is a huge psychological factor in the DoD about making people believe you have the biggest stick and can see everything. Kind of like putting an alarm company sign outside of your door to prevent theives.





I worked on the camera team for LRO. In the control room at Goddard they had (have?) a custom made Jolly Roger hanging. None of us were actually pirates, and none of us advocated actual pirate values.

Of all the issues with surveillance, I can't believe this story is getting any oxygen.

None of the revelations of US spying of the past year have particularly shocked or surprised me, and probably not very many here.

The level of sheer insanity displayed in the latest revelations however, with yesterday's "horde of Orcs" and this sickening slogan "nothing is beyond our reach" is worse than I could have imagined.

US intelligence has not just gone beyond what is acceptable, they've completely gone off the reservation and have lost all perspective. Historically, this doesn't end well.

>Historically, this doesn't end well.

Doesn't end well for us the little people. Those who operate in the shadows, those have the power to play these games probably have it a lot better since they undoubtedly operate outside the rules they set for the rest of us (witness the lack of accountability shown by anyone who has ever been involved in any of these shenanigans).

You think?


In this kind of system, nobody is safe, and nobody wins.

It took decades before the tide turned, and it did because of external forces or it would have continued for a lot longer.

There is no reason to think that today's system would end up the same way without some huge counter-balancing force that I'm afraid I do not see in today's world order.

I'm not sure which is more depressing to consider. :/

This is like the Rapiscan. Really, you are going to name an invasive x-ray-taking-pictures-of-your-junk device Rapi-scan?

It is slapping you in the face and laughing at it just because they can. Someone said "Hey I bet I can do this and get away with it. Here hold mah beer, watch me draw a giant octupus devouring the earth!"

the logo reminds me of an image in an old Canadian history text book. it was an american octopus grabbing all of America (north and south) and part of the section that talked about manifest destiny ( http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny).

So yes, it is frightening, but only since colonial America.

It's like the jokes about hitting a women. Once you actually had done it they are no longer even remotely funny.

... or you've done it enough without being shamed from the public you represent, that it's something you feel comfortable joking about. Analogies are awesome.

It's the Space Kraken! We must fire SRB's at it!


The current flow of things while I read all of the works of Bruce Sterling realy freak me out a little bit.

This guy looked in the future somehow. I'm pretty sure about it.

Just finishing "The Zenith Angle"

Anyone else just think this is meant to be a bad ass logo and not something to be psychoanalyzed as some metaphor for the intelligence community?

this is one of those cases where a parody would inevitably fail. the reality is its own parody, and perfectly so.

Tip for the new NSA/CIA/FBI Director

One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.

BTW NCIS wont need this as they have Jethro Gibbs just run every thing past him and if he doesn't hit you on the back of the head your golden.

The comparison to old anti-communist propaganda in the promoted comment after the article is priceless.

HN has been seriously trolled. You would think smart people have a sense of humor. You would be wrong.

I'd say after some point it starts being black humour instead of just humour. Even more if the ones doing it are precisely the ones fucking with us. Some people might like it, some won't.

The thing is, even if you somehow manage to unilaterally hamsting US intelligence efforts, which is extremely unlikely because the entire West is complicit, you will still be spied on unless you protect yourself with extreme measures which are onerous. Have a laugh, go outside, life is short.

You realise you can use that same logic to avoid fighting for anything, right? I don't really care if life is short, I won't cross my arms.

I did have a laugh though but I would very much appreciate not needing to laugh at it at all. What I did say is that it doesn't matter if you think you are smart or not, laughing of certain things have no relation whatsoever with being smart or not.

There is an Airforce unit in NH tasked with tracking and maintaining government satellites which has this incredibly evil looking logo http://i.imgur.com/jAzLyvS.jpg

They should have used Octocat - charming, friendly creature, who keeps your stuff in order :)

This one will do.


Funny nobody spotted it's also commonly used to represent the mafia. Small side note : mafia's power mainly relies on people's fear of being heard if they say anything against it... Just sayin...

How did that Google engineer put it?

F- these guys.


Yeah those arseholes monitoring terrorist cells in Pakistan, those pri... Wait, why are we mad at these people again?

Because they used that mission as an excuse to go all Stasi on the rest of us.

Well at least they're being honest. Getting rid of the logo is just like changing the marketing without changing the bigger problem.

in the same way that abu ghraib/gunatanamo torture and mistreatment of detainees served as a recruiting tool for al-qaeda and similar organisations i can see this sort of thing being the equivalent for digital activists.

"Nothing is beyond our reach" - except subtlety, obviously.

It seems to have inadvertently collected North America.

Sure, and AT&T features a deathstar

Its only that big cos they are still using strowger gear - the ewoks are there to provide a source of cheap labour for bank cleaning.

Should have gone with System X guys

"NOTHING IS BEYOND OUR REACH" says their tag line.

Let that sink in for a minute.

It's the mindset of crazies.

Or the mindset of a spy sattelite. I honestly don't get what the fuss is all about. They wouldn't launch a spy sattellite with the tagline 'We can only see a very small bit of earth after getting a court to agree on it in triplets', would they?

The only way one cannot understand "what the fuss is all about" is by ignoring the context under which all of this is happening.

Or maybe to understand that it is but one logo in a long tradition of wacky logos.

Even with that tradition in mind, you can still understand why it calls the eye.

Filed under "unintentional gallows humor".

Or, by being rational and reasonable.

Or it could just name the satellite, maybe have a deliberately inaccurate picture of it and be done with it.

Their job is not to call attention for themselves and now that attention was called, their job is not to make it worse. We all agree they have a job to do (even if we cannot agree whether the job is necessary) and this kind of publicity makes it harder to do it.

Sweet. I, for one, welcome our new Tentacled Overlords! IA! IA! Cthulhu Fhtagn!!!

Yeah, I was fully expecting the satellite to have a picture of Cthulhu on it.

It's definitely something someone with too much power would say or think, especially in the context of the NSA.

I believe the appropriate term here may be hubris.


Surely the goal of any spy satellite is to be able to see everything on the ground...?

I read the comments in this thread and realize for the most part, the US government can do no wrong. Then I realize you mofos are the real problem.

Trolling achievement unlocked.

U mad bro?

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