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I read it because I like to read other people stories and like to write my own!

If I was you (ok, I live in a different culture):

Two years ago, I happened to have the same problem as you: I can't concentrate on one language and one platform (always jump from one to another), trying basic, javascript, html, php and many other compilers. The solution for this is to follow the Microsoft Track: It's cheap now and promising.

Yes, got Dot Net and learn Visual C# with WPF, it's very amazing.

Here's what I'll do, if i was exactly in the same conditions:

- Move to a cool area, where I can meet with other geeks and find meetups and interesting things to have fun and boarden my mind

- As you are geek (i guess so) and have some knowledge in programming, 6 months will be enough to master Visual C# and WPF (Microsoft Expression Blend). I'll buy a new Computer with Windows 7.

- After 6 months, I should be comfortable with Dot Net, I'll take some accelerated courses and read few books and take Microsoft Certificates (MCPD)

- let say 8 months gone... It's time to make something interesting, let say any application that is simple and can scale. And I want to give you an example (Abyss Webserver) it's a tunisian product (I'm tunisian too) and it's a successfull web server although it's very simple and basic against its rival competitors IIS and Apache but it did succeed, so don't be worried of big competitors.

One thing to say: Be careful before you choose the application you are going to build.

Will it take more than 4 months? You can hire few on the Internet to get it done with you, or just get a partner.

- 1 Year collapsed, it's time to publish your application and start marketing it. Now that's the hardest part and you can either succeed or fail, it'll depend if you made the right choice and choose the correct things: There's things that works and things that doesn't and also how many people need your application and how much are they willing to pay for it.

In a matter of 3 months, you should see if this plan did work or not, if your application was sold or not. If your application was priced $20 and sold 5,000 time then you got your $100K!!

In worst cases, you did learn something and you can NOW work on many companies since Dot Net has a high demand and you are able to change your location.

study this plan, one benefit is that you don't loose anything with it.

Hint: You can start a blog while learning and building your application it'll be fun, provide more clients and may be an extra income in the future.

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