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We're talking Physics here. Let's not forget that.

A hard-working, motivated person does not need to be Einstein-smart to change the world. There are many ways of changing the world, but coming up with a new theory that dethrones the old established theory is probably the hardest and riskiest way of all.

If I wanted to recruit someone, I would want someone who is motivated and willing to work hard, over someone who is bitter for not being Feynman-smart that is for sure.

The point I am trying to make is that people should set small, realistic goals and accomplish them. Instead of one big goal, divide it into small ones and conquer them one by one. Do not engage in ego-masturbation until you've accomplished something truly Earth-shattering. Just keep working to accomplish more.

One way I tend to look at it now is to put myself in perspective. I generally go under the assumption I am pretty smart - whether it is true or not - and that can often be a bad thing. It's often good to sit and consider the effect such awesome minds (and I think it is hard to argue their contributions aren't above and beyond what most "very clever" people will achieve) had on the world just to put my own achievements in perspective.

The crucial thing of course is to understand that it is still possible to achieve great things without reaching those heady heights :) (for example Von Braun is little remembered in pop-physics but his [and his team's] achievements changed the world substantially)

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