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Nerds. Represent.

That's one of the best things about being in Silicon Valley. Nerds have won the battle, and we rule here. It's actually a good thing to be a nerd here. "Coolness" tends to be based on what new technologies you're playing with and what you're building.

When I lived in Chicago, it was clear that the jocks ruled. Walking down Rush and Division (Sports Bar Mecca) on a Friday or Saturday night immediately gave me flashbacks of ninth grade. That was the year that I got 65 wedgies at boarding school.

I might have a unique insight here, as a CS Major/Software Engineering Minor, but if there's a personality difference between the average high school athlete and the C-level executives that actually run this town, I haven't seen or heard about it yet.

The "jock personality" is doing very well here.

The good news: jocks don't actually hate or even dislike nerds. Teammates of mine played World of Warcraft, loved gaming, and participated in numerous nerd pursuits. Throughout my football career I was deeply interested in Computer Science.

Nerds just need to figure out that the jock personality is actually useful, and figure out how to use it.

>Nerds just need to figure out that the jock personality is actually useful, and figure out how to use it.

I think that some people with tons of booksmarts don't see the value of streetsmarts. It is almost ironic, as one would think that all those booksmarts would lead to such a realization.

My streetsmarts are mainly the result of a deduction that the cultivation of such smarts is efficient and rational. Happy to go into this further, over email (zackster=gmail).

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