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I think you've mistaken nerds for dweebs.

Please let's not argue terminology. Article opening:

Growing up without any noticeable athletic skills, the nerd-jock duality was a pretty important part of my childhood. Nerds were the kids who carried calculators, wore glasses, dressed poorly, read books for fun, liked to be right in class, and had few friends. Jocks were athletic, well dressed, and popular, but probably stupid as well. Every person in my class could have listed, by name, the “nerds” and the “jocks” among our classmates, and if we’d transferred to a different school, we could have identified them on sight. It was, for me, and I suspect for many other kids like me, the primary sorting system for my peers

He's talking "cool kid" versus "uncool kid." End of discussion.

This reminds me of my favorite passage in the John Hodgman speech linked above:

"Some of you may take issue with my saying he is a nerd, since at the beginning I mentioned him being a geek.

You will say, 'there is a difference between a geek and a nerd.' To you I say: Shut up, Nerds!"

I've never found a use for the word "dweeb". I always refer to the people that zimbabwe describes as "geeks", nerds with no particular interest or skills in an area of academics (but they still like to engage in nerdy activities).

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